Changes between Version 42 and Version 43 of GitMigration

05/10/19 08:04:09 (6 years ago)

two migration scenarious


  • TabularUnified GitMigration

    v42 v43  
    136136=== Migration plan (draft) ===
     138Two possible scenarios below. Similar procedure will be launched for `grass-addons` repo.
     140==== Scenario 1 (source code + issues in one step) ====
    138142(whole procedure will take few hours, not more then one working day)
    1401441. migration of source code and issues will be announced on grass-dev ML few days before day D
    1411452. svn and trac ticket system (only tickets, wiki will be still editable) will be switched to read-only mode
    142 3. Git `grass` repo ( will be created from scratch and switched to private mode
     1463. git `grass` repo ( will be created from scratch and switched to private mode
    1431474. source code migration will be launched (; will take 1-2 hours)
    1441485. meanwhile migration of trac issue will be launched (target: `grass` repo; will take few hours)
    1461507. move `grass` repo under [ Github OSGeo organization]
    148 The same procedure will be launched for `grass-addons` repo.
     152==== Scenario 2 (two steps) ====
     1541. source code migration
     155 1. migration of source code will be announced on grass-dev ML few days before day D
     156 2. svn system will be switched to read-only mode
     157 3. Git `grass` repo ( will be created from scratch
     158 4. source code migration will be launched (; will take 1-2 hours)
     159 5. move `grass` repo under [ Github OSGeo organization]
     1602. trac ticket migration
     161 1. migration of issues will be announced on grass-dev ML few days before day D
     162 2. trac ticket system (only tickets, wiki will be still editable) will be switched to read-only mode
     163 3. git `grass` repository under OSGeo organization will be switched to private mode
     164 4. migration of trac issue will be launched (target: `grass` repo; will take few hours)
     165 5. switch `grass` repo to public mode
    149166=== Transfer to repo to OSGeo organization within !GitHub ===