== GRASS GSoC 2016 Additional Image Segmentation Algorithms for i.segment == || Student Name: || Bo Yang |||| Organization: || [http://www.osgeo.org/ OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation] |||| Mentors: || Moritz Lennert, Markus Metz |||| Title: || [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_GSoC_2016_Segment_Algorithms Additional segmentation algorithms for i.segment] |||| Repository: || GRASS 7, browse at: [https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/sandbox/bo/i.segment.gsoc2016 i.segment sandbox] == 16 – 21 May week 0: Setup coding environmental, get familiar with programming manual == === What did you get done this week? === * Finished a small exercise to get more familiar with basic GRASS codes Currently i.segment only provides region-growth algorithm. By modifying [https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/sandbox/bo/i.segment.gsoc2016/i.segment/parse_args.c parse_args.c] I added three inputs for additional two algorithms, mean-shift and watershed, respectively. * Reviewed some literature for mean-shift algorithm 1. Deng, C., Li, S., Bian, F., & Yang, Y. (2015). Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Based on Mean, (1999), 179–185. 2. Michel, J., Youssefi, D., & Grizonnet, M. (2015). Stable mean-shift algorithm and its application to the segmentation of arbitrarily large remote sensing images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(2), 952–964. http://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2014.2330857 3. Zhang, Q., Liu, C., Zhang, G., & Zhou, A. (2014). Adaptive image segmentation by using mean-shift and evolutionary optimisation. IET Image Processing, 8(6), 327–333. http://doi.org/10.1049/iet-ipr.2013.0195 4. Zhou, J.-X., Li, Z.-W., & Fan, C. (2015). Improved fast mean shift algorithm for remote sensing image segmentation. IET Image Processing, 9(5), 389–394. http://doi.org/10.1049/iet-ipr.2014.0393 * Some discussions with mentors about the algorithm and literature === What do you plan on doing next week? === * Make clear understanding about the algorithm mechanism and write the pseudo codes for prototyping. === Are you blocked on anything? === * Some issues happened during the compiling of the GRASS in Windows environmental. With the help fromcommunity, [https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2016-May/080332.html the problem] has been later solved. == 23 - 28 May week 1: Start coding, develop pseudo-code to outline the work == === What did you get done this week? === * Further discussion about the algorithm mechanism 1. Edge effect: Moving window have to be re-sized when it near the edge or corner of the full image. Mentor has given the solution in pseudo-code: {{{#!c # figure out moving window, clip to region if necessary mwrow1 = row - (int)radius mwrow2 = mwrow1 + window_size if (mwrow1 < 0) mwrow1 = 0 if (mwrow2 > nrows) mwrow2 = nrows mwcol1 = col - (int)radius mwcol2 = mwcol1 + window_size if (mwcol1 < 0) mwcol1 = 0 if (mwcol2 > ncols) mwcol2 = ncols }}} 2. Adaptive bandwidth: Earlier mean-shift algorithm uses fixed bandwidth. Fixed bandwidth could result in either over-segment or under-segment. In the literature of Deng et al., 2015 and [http://doi.org/10.1049/iet-ipr.2013.0195 Zhang et al., 2014], each paper proposed an adaptive bandwidth method. [http://doi.org/10.1049/iet-ipr.2014.0393 Zhou et al., 2015] proposed another method, which use smaller bandwidth at first to over-segment the image, then use image clustering and region-based mode merging again to refine the result. 3. The convergence condition: Set an epsilon value, e.g. 0.001. If the pixel value difference is less than epsilon between iterations, the pixel is considered as convergent. * Got the access for GRASS-addons-svn and [https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/sandbox/bo/i.segment.gsoc2016 sandbox] * Wrote the [https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/sandbox/bo/i.segment.gsoc2016/i.segment/MeanShift_pseudo_yb pseudo-code] for the mean-shift algorithm * Mentors reviewed pseudo-code and send the improved [https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/sandbox/bo/i.segment.gsoc2016/i.segment/MeanShift_pseudo_2016_05_25_MM version] === What do you plan on doing next week? === * Write the meanshift.c module to implement the mean-shift algorithm based on pseudo-code. Codes will be implemented based on the essential functions of mean-shift algorithm. The fixed bandwidth and rangewidth will be used and codes need to be implemented to separate objects (super-pixel). === Are you blocked on anything? === * Not for now == 30 May -- 4 June week 2: implement mean-shift image segmentation algorithm == === What did you get done this week? === * Implemented the basic mean-shift.c algorithm in [https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/sandbox/bo/i.segment.gsoc2016/i.segment/mean_shift_2016_05_30_yb.c sandbox] according to the pseudo-code. === What do you plan on doing next week? === * integrate the current basci mean-shift C codes to i.segment, make the mean-shift algorithm can be run using the GUI and command line, rather than stand-alone program. 1. add the new options to parse_args.c 2. implement mean shift in mean_shift.c 3. write out shifted band values 4. implement identification of connected components (objects) using the clump_n() function in r.clump/clump.c as template 5. write out object ids just like for region growing (the code exists already in write_output.c) 6. implement a minimum size for objects: objects smaller than minsize must be merged with some adjacent object === Are you blocked on anything? ===