= GRASS 8 new source layout = Rationale: At the moment source directory top level is a mess — distribution / OS specific folders are mixed with source code folders. Moving all source to src would make directory layout cleaner. G8 release is a great opportunity to break everything to make life better. Keep in mind — this is just a proposal to start discussion! Add your input to make it happen. == Folder structure == How to read: new folder name at the top level, current folders listed below. How to write: add your comments to any item you think should be moved somewhere else etc. === CI === Continuous Integration. Do we need this as a separate entry or it should go into packaging? === doc === Documentation, that is not individual module help files. * doc === src === All source of GRASS. Should contain everything worth compiling. * db * display * general * gui * imagery * include * lib * locale or should go to the top level? * misc * ps * raster * raster3d * scripts * temporal * vector === packaging === Every distribution or platform specific scripts, build recipes etc. **Question** Are there some packaging systems that require its related files to live on the top level? * docker * macosx * mswindows * rpm * singularity * tools/vagrant => vagrant === utils === Helper scripts not intended to be installed as a part of GRASS package. * tools === tests === Testing infrastructure. * demolocation * testsuite