[[TOC]] = GRASS GIS Annual Report 2018 = Reporting period: between OSGeo Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2017 at FOSS4G 2017 Boston (August 14-19) and FOSS4G 2018 Dar es Salaam (August 27-September 2). Primary use of this document a presentation at OSGeo AGM 2018. == Key accomplishments == === Releases === === Infrastructure or process changes === === Community health and happiness === * GSoC * 2017: 3 students accepted, 2 passed; 4 mentors; 2 managers for OSGeo * 2018: 3 students accepted; 6 mentors == Areas for improvement == ''These are challenges faced by the project.'' == Opportunities to help == ''Anything for members to help with?'' == Requests and communication == ''Any formal request from the board, marketing or other committees? Did you make a budget request for 2018? How did it go? ... External correspondence? For example, a letter of recommendation for a GSOC student? Code donation? ...'' == Outlook for 2019 == ''Any roadmap items to share with our members? Let the board know if there is anything to plan for in 2019...'' Example: https://github.com/geotools/geotools/wiki/GeoTools-Annual-Report-2017