Replying to lucadelu:
Please look and try r74438
Thanks, but now I get
r.plane output=plane dip=45 azimuth=9 easting=0:04:14.5E northing=48:52:14.5N elev=1000 type=CELL
ERROR: Input coordinates seems to be invalid
With debug output added locally, I see that "E" and "N" are the problem (which are accepted in g.region, see
r.plane output=plane dip=45 azimuth=9 easting="00:04:14.5E" northing="48:52:14.5N" elev=1000 type=CELL
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mneteler/software/grass77/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/scripts/r.plane", line 134, in <module>
File "/home/mneteler/software/grass77/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/scripts/r.plane", line 84, in main
File "/home/mneteler/software/grass77/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/etc/python/grass/script/", line 45, in float_or_dms
return sum(float(x) / 60 ** n for (n, x) in enumerate(s.split(':')))
File "/home/mneteler/software/grass77/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/etc/python/grass/script/", line 45, in <genexpr>
return sum(float(x) / 60 ** n for (n, x) in enumerate(s.split(':')))
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 14.5E
# trying without "E":
r.plane output=plane dip=45 azimuth=9 easting="00:04:14.5" northing="48:52:14.5N" elev=1000 type=CELL
ERROR: Input coordinates seems to be invalid
# trying without E and N:
r.plane output=plane dip=45 azimuth=9 easting=00:04:14.5 northing=48:52:14.5 elev=1000 type=CELL
IMHO float_or_dms() needs an update to accept E and N.