Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #3046, comment 1

05/26/16 16:49:43 (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #3046, comment 1

    initial v1  
    33I removed the ~.grass7/wx file to force GRASS to rebuild it. This does happen if save is pressed from preferences.
    5 If I go to preferences and select either display or command console font, I get a Mac-specific dialog to select fonts. But I cannot close the dialog to save the font. I can only crash the GUI to get out of this. After that, I was able to get the standard GRASS font dialog for display font and select a standard font (Helvetica in this case). But that font is not used in the display--only the old GRASS default font. I can even see "Helvetica" in the wx file and it seems OK. But it is not recognized.
     5If I go to preferences and select either display or command console font, I get a Mac-specific dialog to select fonts. But I cannot close the dialog to save the font. I can only crash the GUI to get out of this. After that, I was able to get the standard GRASS font dialog for display font and select a standard font (Helvetica in this case).
    77I have not been able to even get to the standard GRASS font selection for the console font. Trying to select it only gives the 3 column Mac font selector that does not work in this environment (which is why we had to build the existing font dialog).