Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#2868 closed defect Segmentation fault — at Initial Version

Reported by: DmitryKolesov Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.0.5
Component: Vector Version: svn-releasebranch70
Keywords: Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


I got segmentation fault in module with -t flag. To reproduce it, type the next lines (in Lat-Lon location):

g.version -r

GRASS 7.0.3svn (2016) libgis Revision: 67364 libgis Date: 2015-12-24 18:07:44 +0300

echo '{"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[41.16783751473027, 49.18823659816202], [41.17928406367621, 49.19697811717231], [41.18910195623221, 49.18532946770238], [41.204306122079, 49.16872544901082], [41.19158201698379, 49.1659820458448], [41.18895894443899, 49.16549865975956], [41.18763568560129, 49.16499058729008], [41.16783751473027, 49.18823659816202]]}' > test.geojson -t input=test.geojson layer=OGRGeoJSON out=tmp --o

Check if OGR layer <OGRGeoJSON> contains polygons... 100% Importing 1 features (OGR layer <OGRGeoJSON>)... 100% ----------------------------------------------------- Registering primitives... ... Number of nodes: 1 Number of primitives: 2 Number of points: 0 Number of lines: 0 Number of boundaries: 1 Number of centroids: 1 Number of areas: 1 Number of isles: 1

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

But the map is created:

v.out.ascii tmp format=wkt

POLYGON((41.16783751 49.18823660, 41.17928406 49.19697812, 41.18910196 49.18532947, 41.20430612 49.16872545, 41.19158202 49.16598205, 41.18895894 49.16549866, 41.18763569 49.16499059, 41.16783751 49.18823660))

PS If I don't use -t flag the error doesn't appear.

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