7 | | {{{ |
8 | | - message box opens: g.extensions.py - choose the program to open this file |
9 | | |
10 | | - closing this message box, the wxgui "Fectch & install from GRASS-addons" opens |
11 | | |
12 | | - press button "Fetch", again message box "g.extensions.py - choose the program to open this file" opens |
13 | | |
14 | | - closing message box, an error message opens "Error: access denied" |
15 | | |
16 | | - press button "Command dialog", again message box "g.extensions.py |
17 | | |
18 | | - choose the program to open this file" opens |
19 | | |
20 | | - closing message box, the g.exteniosn-wxgui opens and pre-combiled addons binaries are installed |
21 | | }}} |
| 7 | * message box opens: g.extensions.py - choose the program to open this file |
| 8 | * closing this message box, the wxgui "Fetch & install from GRASS-addons" opens |
| 9 | * press button "Fetch", again message box "g.extensions.py - choose the program to open this file" opens |
| 10 | * closing message box, an error message opens "Error: access denied" |
| 11 | * press button "Command dialog", again message box "g.extensions.py |
| 12 | * choose the program to open this file" opens |
| 13 | * closing message box, the g.extension-wxgui opens and pre-combiled addons binaries are installed |