The keys are hierarchically ordered, two levels deep. You always get back from the second level to the first with the q(uit) key. |--- i(n) |--- o(out) Z(oom) ---------|--- p(an) |--- a(ll) |--- q(uit |--- p(oint) |--- l(ine) I (Digitize) ---|--- a(rea) |--- a(utolabel all following items) |--- q(uit |--- p (remove point) |--- l (remove line) |--- a (remove area) |--- P (move point) |--- L (move line) E(dit-----------|--- A (move area) |--- s(nap line to node) |--- b(reak line) |--- d(isplay nodes) |--- R(emove BLOCK of lines) |--- v (Smooth polyline) |--- q(uit) |--- p (Label points) |--- l (Label lines) |--- a (Label areas) |--- m (Label multiple lines) |--- A (Unlabel areas) |--- L (Unlabel lines) L(abel)---------|--- P (Unlabel points |--- M (Unlabel multiple lines) |--- B(ulk label remaining lines) |--- h(ighlight lines of category #) |--- d(isplay areas of category #) |--- c (Label contours) |--- i (Contour interval) |--- q(uit) |--- a(rea labels) |--- l(ine labels) |--- p(oint labels) |--- m (area markers) |--- A(reas) |--- L(ines) D(isplay) ------|--- P(oints) |--- n(odes) |--- o (points in lines) |--- s (scale) |--- w(here am I) |--- r(eset defaults) |--- q(uit) |--- u(nlabeled areas) |--- o(pen area lines) E(rrors)--------|--- d(uplicate lines) |--- n(ode lines) |--- i(slands) |--- q(uit) |--- a(reas) default: gray |--- l(ines) default: blue |--- p(oints) default: green |--- A (labeled areas) default: orange |--- L (labeled lines) default: magenta |--- P (labeled points) default: aqua C(olor) --------|--- 1 (nodes with 1 line) default: green |--- 2 (nodes with 2 or more lines) default: red |--- h(ighlight) default: yellow |--- b(ackground) default: black |--- o(verlay map) default: white |--- r(eset defaults) |--- d(igitizing threshold) |--- s(napping threshold) |--- F (toggle flexible grey scale) |--- b(eep toggle) |--- a(uto window toggle) U (Customize)---|--- O(verlay vector map) |--- B(ackdrop raster map) |--- m (toggle auto-smoothing) |--- q(uit)