batchfiles contains GPL-2 batch files for installing and maintaining R. Each is self contained, independent of the others and need no installation. Just place it anywhere on your path. --- PROGRAM LIST Legend: h = no args gives help 0 = common usage is to enter command name without arguments d = in development 2.11 = only works with R 2.11 * = all files marked with one star are the same. Program checks name by which its called to determine action. ** = all files marked with two stars are the same. Program checks name by which its called to determine action. #Rscript.bat - put at top of R file to make it a batch file (h) (*) clip2r.js - pastes clipboard into Rgui. See comments in file for use from vim. (0)(d) copydir.bat - copy a library from one version of R to another (h) el.js - run elevated - Vista and up, e.g. el Rgui runs R elevated find-miktex.hta - GUI to find MiKTeX (0) kopy.bat - copy Rcmd to other batch files (h)(d) movedir.bat - move library from one version of R to another (h) R.bat - like R.exe but finds R from registry (0) (*) Rcmd.bat - like Rcmd.exe but finds R from registry (h) (*) Rgui.bat - like Rgui.exe but finds R from registry (0) (*) RguiStart.bat - like Rgui.bat but arg1 defines folder to start R in (*) Rscript.bat - run .R script (h) (*) Rterm.bat - like rterm.exe but finds R from registry (h) (*) Rtidy.bat - reformat a .R file, e.g. Rtidy myfile.R > outfile.R (d) Rtools.bat - place Rtools on path for remainder of console session (0) (*) Rversions.bat - list R and set R version in registry, e.g. on Vista: el cmd/c Rversions R-2.10.1 (0) Rversions.hta - GUI interface to RSetReg. List and set R version, e.g. on Vista: el cmd /c Rversions.hta (0)(2.11) show-svn-info.hta - show svn info if current folder is an svn checkout (0) Stangle.bat - run arg1 through Stangle (h) (**) Sweave.bat - run arg1 through Sweave (h) (**) --- DESCRIPTIONS R.bat, Rcmd.bat, Rscript.bat, Rgui.bat, and RguiStart.bat are all the same file. They query the name by which they were called to determine what they do. Similarly Sweave.bat and Stangle.bat are the same file. The home page and NEWS file provide more info. BATCH PROGRAMS 0. Rtools.bat 1. R.bat, Rcmd.bat, Rscript.bat, Rgui.bat 2. #Rscript.bat 3. RguiStart.bat 4. Sweave.bat and Stangle.bat 5. copydir.bat 6. movedir.bat 7. find-miktex.hta 0. Rtools.bat. Sets path to what Rcmd.bat and others use internally. This only sets the path for the current command shell instance. 1. R.bat, Rcmd.bat, Rscript.bat, Rgui.bat, Rscript.bat - are front ends to the corresponding .exe files. They locate R in the registry (and also look in a few other places if not found there). Then they look for Rtools and MiKTeX and if found they add them temporarily to the path. (Rtools and MiKTeX are needed when building R packages from source but are not needed for just running R nor are they need to download and install binary packages from CRAN.) Then they run R.exe, Rcmd.exe, Rscript.exe, Rgui.exe or JGR.exe with the same arguments. They are actually all the same file just renamed. (RguiStart.bat described separately is also the same file and all the code from this file is also at the end of Sweave.bat, also described separately.) The file checks what name it was called by and acts accordingly. Their main advantages are: - you don't have to modify your path just to run R. - you don't have to modify your path to build R packages from source. - when you upgrade R they automatically work without change since they will pick up the new version of R from the registry automatically. - Sweave.bat and Stangle.bat, unlike, Rcmd Sweave and Rcmd Stangle do not depend on rtools. You can put Rgui.bat on your desktop and associate a Windows ShortCut key ( with it so that you can just press the Windows key and R, say, to activate R. Here are some examples of using them from the command line. It assumes you have placed el.js, Rcmd.bat and Rgui.bat in your path. el cmd spawns a command console with Administrator rights. This is needed to build HTML help but you can omit the el command if you don't need that. el cmd Rcmd check mypackage Rcmd build mypackage Rcmd build mypackage --binary Rcmd INSTALL mypackage_1.0-0.tar.gz Rcmd INSTALL mypackage_1.0-0.tar.gz -l library Rscript myprog.R < mydata.dat Rgui (When installing packages on Vista it is recommended that you do this from within a console session that has Administrator rights. It will typically work even without that; however, the HTML help will not be created.) Older version of the Rcmd BATCH command in R had problems with spaces in pathnames so be sure you use a sufficiently recent version of R. If you are using an old version of R that has problems use the short name corresponding to any long name with spaces: For example, suppose we have a file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\myfile.R . Then try this: cd \ dir/x doc* Rcmd BATCH c:\docume~1\Administrator\myfile.R where the dir/x command showed us the short name corresponding to the longer space-embedded name: Documents and Settings. 2. #Rscript.bat #Rscript.bat can be used as the first line of an R script to make it callable as a batch file. For example, if we have a myfile.R file then we can create a myfile.bat file that looks like this: #Rscript %0 %* ...R code from myfile.R goes here... and now we can just issue the command myfile to run it. We no longer need myfile.R. See the Rtidy.bat file for an example. Note that it does have the disadvantage that the output of the R program starts off with the command itself. R needs to be able to handle the perl/python/ruby -x switch. In the meantime #Rscript.bat will mainly be useful for those scripts where the output does not go to the standard output or where the addition of this line is acceptable. 3. RguiStart.bat This is like Rgui.bat except it intercepts the first argument and interprets it as the folder in which to start R (or if its an .Rdata file then it interprets it as the .Rdata file to start R with). The main reason for its existence is so that you can place it in your SendTo folder. On Vista do this: copy RguiStart.bat %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo (or to locate locate the SendTo folder in Windows Explorer on Vista enter shell:sendto into the Windows Explorer address bar and copy your RguiStart.bat file there.) Then, on Vista, when you are in Windows Explorer you can right click on any folder in your user area and choose SendTo. From the SendTo menu choose RGuiStart.bat to start up R in that folder. If you right click on an .Rdata file rather than a folder then R will start up with that file loaded (although in that case its probably easier to just double click the .Rdata file provided you have file type associations set up -- if you don't then the RguiStart.bat will provide an alternative). A second possibility is to place RguiStart.bat on your desktop and then drag a folder to it to start R in that folder. A third possibility is to just shift right click a folder in Windows Explorer and choose Open Command Window Here and then when the command window opens enter Rgui assuming you have placed Rgui.bat somewhere in your path. 4. Sweave.bat and Stangle.bat - will run Sweave, then pdflatex and then display latex file. Stangle.bat will run Stangle producing an R file. Unlike Rcmd Sweave and Rcmd Stangle these do not depend on rtools. Sweave.bat and Stangle.bat are actually the same file. The file determines what to do by looking at the name by which it was called. Sweave mydoc.Rnw or Sweave mydoc The script runs Sweave, pdflatex and then displays the pdf file (assuming the user has .pdf extension associated with a pdf viewer). If there is an error in Sweave or the .tex file is not newer than the Sweave'd file the script stops. Similarly if there is an error in pdflatex or the .pdf is not newer than the .tex file then the script stops. Note that _two_ .pdf files are generated. They are identical except one has a unique name created by suffixing the base with the date and time and .bck.pdf. The one with the unique name is the one viewed. This overcomes problems of not being able to view the .pdf if the .pdf from a prior run is current being viewed (which would happen since by default the Acrobat viewer won't allow you to view two files of the same name concurrently). Every so often the user should delete all *.bck.pdf files. Try: sweave without arguments to see options and get more info. Aside from using sweave from the command line, if you place sweave.bat in your SendTo folder as discussed under RguiStart.bat you can right click .Rnw files and choose SendTo > sweave to sweave them. You may need to copy Sweave.sty to the directory containing your .Rnw sweave file to use sweave.bat . 5. Rversions.bat - similar to Rversions.hta but -- its batch whereas Rversions.hta is GUI -- uses slightly different heuristic to find R versions -- run without args to list versions available; run with any of the listed versions to set that as the new version -- both forms work on XP; to run arg form on Vista run it elevated e.g. el cmd /c Rversions.bat R-2.10.0 Examples: :: list R versions rversions.bat :: check mypkg using R current version, 2.4.0, say Rcmd check mypkg :: switch to version R-2.5.0 and recheck rversions R-2.5.0 Rcmd check mypkg :: reset back to version 2.4.0 rversions.bat R-2.4.0 6. copydir.bat - can be used to copy the libraries from an old version of R to your new one. It will not overwrite any libraries already there so it should be safe to use. e.g. to upgrade R to a new version :: Example is for upgrading from R-2.4.1 to R-2.5.0 :: first, download and install R-2.11.0 :: now perform the next two commands at the Windows console cd %userprofile%\Documents\R\win-library :: you can use movedir instead of copydir if you prefer to move them copydir 2.10\library 2.11\library :: ... now startup new version of R (R 2.11.0 in this example) # issue this command in R 2.5.0 update.packages(checkBuilt = TRUE, ask = "graphics") # or (see note below) update.packages(ask = "graphics") :: press OK and it will update those packages as necessary # ... optionally check for deprecated packages # 1. first select all repositories that you use with menu: # Packages | Repositories # 2. second check if there are any deprecated packages that # were copied over but are not longer on CRAN or other repository dp <- setdiff(installed.packages()[,1], available.packages()[,1]) # look at what we have dp # if you wish to remove them issue the remove.packages command: # remove.packages(dp) :: ... exit R and start it up again ... Note that the checkBuilt=TRUE argument will potentially cause all your packages to be downloaded again so you could try leaving it off and then reissue the command with checkBuilt=TRUE later only if you run into problems. I normally do it without the checkBuilt=TRUE. It is anticipated that this command will ultimately be superceded by functionality in the R setup procedure at which time this will be deprecated. Note that this method of just copying libraries may not work depending on the versions of R involved. If its necessary to re-install most packages it can be done by issuing the following R command after performing the copydir.bat: install.packages(installed.packages()[,1]) (Note that 2.8 of the R Windows FAQ refers to copying any installed package to the library folder but does not address how to accomplish that. That omission is what copydir.bat addresses.) An alternative to copydir is to reinstall all packages # Alternative to copydir.bat #1 # this example is for moving from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0 # run this in R 2.5.0 setwd(R.home()) ip <- installed.packages(lib.loc = "../R-2.4.1/library") ip <- ip[ip[,1]!="base" ,1] install.packages(ip) The above is taken from: Note that you may still have to use movedir.bat or copydir.bat after the above if it fails to install everything. Since movedir.bat and copydir.bat won't overwrite anything this should be safe. # Alternative to copydir.bat #2 #---run in previous version, e.g. R 2.4.1 packages <- installed.packages()[,"Package"] save(packages, file = "~/Rpackages") #---run in new version, e.g. R 2.5.0 load("~/Rpackages") install.packages(setdiff(packages, installed.packages()[,"Package"])) file.remove("~/Rpackages") This copydir alternative is based on: 7. movedir - same arguments as copydir. Only difference is that it moves the directories rather than copying them. This can be used if you are no longer interested in using the packages with the old version of R other than by reinstalling them.) This has the advantage that its much faster than copydir. The example under copydir works with movedir too. Just replace copydir with movedir in that example. Comments under copydir.bat apply here too. I mostly use movedir.bat myself instead of copydir.bat since its so much faster. 8. show-svn-info.hta - Just run this from any Tortoise SVN folder and it will display some information about it. Requires version 1.5 or higher of Tortoise SVN. 9. find-miktex.hta - displays the path to the MiKTeX bin directory. Just enter find-miktex.hta at the Windows command line (no arguments are needed) or double click it from Windows Explorer. ADDITIONAL FILES 1. RESOURCES - additional information on writing Windows XP batch files. 2. COPYRIGHT and COPYING - this is free software subject to the GPL license as described. 3. THANKS - acknowledgments. DEPRECATED AND CHANGED - Rfind.bat - makepkg.bat - Rversions.hta - These are no longer distributed but can be found in older distributions of this package. It is unknown whether they work with recent versions of R. (I found I was not using these so am no longer maintaining them.)