/*! \page pygrasslib PyGRASS Library by GRASS Development Team (http://grass.osgeo.org) \section pygrassIntro Introduction PyGRASS improves the integration between GRASS GIS and Python (see also \ref pythonlib), making the use of Python under GRASS more consistent with the language itself. Furthermore, it simplifies GRASS scripting and programming and more natural for the user. \section pygrassPackages PyGRASS packages The following PyGRASS packages are provided: - \subpage pygrassGis - \subpage pygrassRaster - \subpage pygrassVector - \subpage pygrassModule - \subpage pygrassFunctions - \subpage pygrassMessages - \subpage pygrassErrors Below these packages are illustrated in greater detail. \subsection pygrassGis GIS Package - python::pygrass::gis Basic elements of the GRASS data-base: - python::pygrass::gis::Gisdbase - python::pygrass::gis::Location - python::pygrass::gis::Mapset - python::pygrass::gis::VisibleMapset Computational region: - python::pygrass::gis::region::Region Mapset handling: - python::pygrass::gis::set_current_mapset - python::pygrass::gis::make_mapset \subsection pygrassRaster Raster Package PyGRASS uses 4 different Raster classes, that respect the 4 different approaches of GRASS-C API. The read access is row wise for RastRow and RasterRowIO and additionally cached in the RowIO class. Both classes write sequentially. RowIO is row cached, RastSegment and RasterNumpy are tile cached for reading and writing therefore a randomly access is possible. Hence RasterRow and RasterRowIO should be used in case for fast (cached) row read access and RasterRow for fast sequential writing. Segment and Numpy should be used for random access, but Numpy only for files not larger than 2GB. - python::pygrass::raster Reading/writing raster maps: - python::pygrass::raster::RasterRow - python::pygrass::raster::RasterRowIO - python::pygrass::raster::RasterSegment - python::pygrass::raster::RasterNumpy Random raster data: - python::pygrass::raster::random_map_only_columns - python::pygrass::raster::random_map Raster categories: - python::pygrass::raster::category::Category Raster metadata: - python::pygrass::raster::history::History \subsection pygrassVector Vector Package - python::pygrass::vector List of high-level classes: - python::pygrass::vector::Vector - python::pygrass::vector::VectorTopo Basic data structures and functions: - python::pygrass::vector::basic - python::pygrass::vector::basic::Bbox - python::pygrass::vector::basic::BoxList - python::pygrass::vector::basic::Cats - python::pygrass::vector::basic::CatsList Search for features: - python::pygrass::vector::find - python::pygrass::vector::find::PointFinder - python::pygrass::vector::find::BboxFinder - python::pygrass::vector::find::PolygonFinder Geometry and topology elements handling: - python::pygrass::vector::geometry - python::pygrass::vector::geometry::Attrs - python::pygrass::vector::geometry::Geo - python::pygrass::vector::geometry::Point - python::pygrass::vector::geometry::Line - python::pygrass::vector::geometry::Node - python::pygrass::vector::geometry::Boundary - python::pygrass::vector::geometry::Centroid - python::pygrass::vector::geometry::Isle - python::pygrass::vector::geometry::Isles - python::pygrass::vector::geometry::Area Vector attribute handling: - python::pygrass::vector::attributes \subsection pygrassModule Interface to GRASS GIS modules - python::pygrass::modules List of high-level classes: - python::pygrass::modules::interface::module::Module - python::pygrass::modules::interface::module::ParallelModuleQueue List of namespaces: - python::pygrass::modules::grid - python::pygrass::modules::interface - python::pygrass::modules::shortcuts \subsection pygrassFunctions Functions Package List of pyGRASS functions: - python::pygrass::functions \subsection pygrassMessages Messages Package Messages handling in PyGRASS: - python::pygrass::messages::FatalError - python::pygrass::messages::Messenger \subsection pygrassErrors Errors Package Defined errors classes: - python::pygrass::errors::ParameterError - python::pygrass::errors::FlagError - python::pygrass::errors::DBError - python::pygrass::errors::GrassError - python::pygrass::errors::OpenError \section pygrassAuthors Authors Pietro Zambelli (Google Summer of Code 2012) \section References References * Zambelli, P., Gebbert, S., Ciolli, M., 2013: *PyGRASS: An Object Oriented Python Application Programming Interface (API) for Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) Geographic Information System (GIS)* * . ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2, 201–219. ( * `DOI ` * | * `PDF ` * ) */