/*! \page imaging Python library for animations \tableofcontents \section imagingIntro Introduction Library python.imaging is a third-party python library for animations. It comes from visvis project (https://code.google.com/p/visvis/), version 1.8. Library contains 4 main files: images2avi.py, images2gif.py, images2ims.py, images2swf.py for exporting AVI video file, animated GIF, series of images and SWF file format, respectively. There are functions for reading/writing those formats (writeAvi(), readAvi(), writeGif(), readGif(), writeIms(), readIms(), writeSwf(), readSwf()). Library requires PIL (Python Imaging Library) and numpy packages. The input of all write functions are PIL images. Please read README in library's directory. Example: \code{.py} from grass.imaging import writeIms ... writeIms(filename=path/to/directory/anim.png, images=myPILImagesList) \endcode This creates files anim1.png, anim2.png, ... in path/to/directory. \section imagingAuthors Authors Almar Klein (see licence in header of library files) */