= Status Notice = The CMake build configuration is a community-maintained non-officially supported build setup for GEOS. All GEOS users who aim to rely on CMake, please respect Sandro's request stated in comment on ticket #576 : {{{ #!html

*** The official build system is the GNU Automake one (for versions prior to GEOS 3.5). Starting at GEOS 3.5, we officially also support CMake. We will happily accept tickets for GEOS 3.5 against CMake. We would appreciate a patch if you have one, but not required.. ***

}}} = Building on Unix with CMake = This article describes how to use [http://www.cmake.org CMake] build system to build and install GEOS from sources on Unix-like systems (Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, *BSD, etc.) using GCC or any other supported compiler. The CMake configuration for GEOS was introduced shortly after the [milestone:3.2.0 GEOS 3.2.0] release (ticket #317). Having CMake installed on Unix-like system, there are two ways of [http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/runningcmake.html running CMake] to configure and build a software with CMake: * cmake - [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command-line_interface CLI] program accepting options or running in ''interactive mode'' * ccmake - program with curses-based GUI == Requirements == * [http://www.cmake.org CMake] 4.1 or later * Decent C++ compiler and C++ Standard Library, [http://gcc.gnu.org/ GNU GCC] 4.x or later recommended * GEOS source code. == Configure == It is highly recommended to build GEOS outside of the source code tree. For this purpose, prepare a build directory (from now on referred to as ''BUILDDIR''): {{{ $ git clone https://ghttps://git.osgeo.org/gitea/geos/geos.git $ mkdir build $ ls build geos $ cd build $ cmake ../geos $ make help }}} There is collection of [http://cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake-2-8-docs.html#section_Variables CMake variables] available to set by user to control various aspects of compilation and installation. For instance ''CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX'' variable which by default is set to ''/usr/local'' directory. List of CMake options specific to GEOS: * GEOS_ENABLE_TESTS - Set to OFF|ON (default) to control build of GEOS tests package * GEOS_ENABLE_INLINE - Set to OFF|ON (default) to control GEOS compilation with small functions inlining * GEOS_ENABLE_ASSERT - Set to ON|OFF (default) to build GEOS with assert() macro enabled (not available for Visual C++ compiler) * GEOS_ENABLE_MACOSX_FRAMEWORK - Set to ON|OFF (default) to build a Mac OS X framework * GEOS_ENABLE_MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_UNIXCOMPAT - Set to ON|OFF (default) to add compatibility with *nix library linking to the Mac OS X framework Example: {{{ $ cmake ../trunk -DGEOS_ENABLE_TESTS=ON -DGEOS_ENABLE_INLINE=OFF }}} Note: when building a Mac OS X framework, you must specify the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. The default is /usr/local, and frameworks don't go there. {{{ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Library/Frameworks }}} == Build == In order to build GEOS C++ and C libraries, issue the command in ''BUILDDIR'': {{{ $ make }}} == Test == In CMake build system, testing capabilities are provided by [http://www.itk.org/Wiki/CTest:FAQ CTest] which is distributed together with CMake package. After the build is ready, tests can be executed from inside ''BUILDDIR''. Natively, CMake uses target named ''test'': {{{ $ make test }}} For convenience, Autotools-like alias is also available: {{{ $ make check }}} It is also possible to run ''ctest'' program directly, but not through any of the ''make'' targets. This option gives access to number of ''ctest'' command line options (''cmake --help''), for example: {{{ $ ctest $ ctest --verbose }}} == Install == In order to install both C and C++ API libraries as well as headers, stay on in ''BUILDDIR'' and execute: {{{ $ make install }}} == Uninstall == Still in ''BUILDDIR'', run: {{{ $ make uninstall }}} = Open Tickets = [[TicketQuery(status=new|assigned|reopened&component~=cmake&order=priority)]]