= Building on Windows with CMake and mingw64 chain = ## I was using the mingw64 pre-compiled build - http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Personal%20Builds/rubenvb/gcc-4.8-release/ ( x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.8.0-win64_rubenvb.7z ) but should work with any mingw64 build. Just for reference my preferred structure -- the way I have setup so I can build both 32-bit and 64-bit is like so {{{ C:\ming64 \projects \mingw64 (this is where I extract the binaries for mingw I download from mingw64 site) \msys (this is where I put the msys posix environment details [here http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/mingw-w64/wiki/MSYS] ) C:\ming32 \projects \msys (exact copy of the above but I like to keep separate since some apps try to install local which gets stuck here) \mingw32 (this is where I put the mingw64-w32 binaries I get from mingw-w64 (32-bit personal builds) ) }}} You can use the regular CMake 32-bit binaries to build 64-bit and just extract somewhere e.g. to root of http://cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html ( latest now is http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.11-win32-x86.zip which should work fine C:\ming64\cmake- ) == Configure == Building from SVN development branch requires to generate the `geos_svn_revision.h` file with POSIX shell script. I do this under msys but any posix should work fine. {{{ tools\svn_repo_revision.sh }}} {{{ ## NOTE: for this I had to use some suggestions ## from http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Compiling-geos-with-mingw64-td5034567.html which are not committed yet I submitted the preliminary patch on ticket http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/630 (http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/attachment/ticket/630/geos3.4.0_cmake_mingw64.diff) export PATH=".:/bin:/include:/mingw/bin:/mingw/include:/c/Windows/system32:/c/Windows:/usr/local/bin:/c/ming64/cmake-2.8.11-win32-x86/bin" export PROJECTS=/c/ming64/projects cd geos/trunk export GEOS_VER=3.4.0dev tools/svn_repo_revision.sh rm -rf build/mingw mkdir -p build/mingw cd build/mingw ## if you are building with MSYS and 64-bit use this ## if building for windows 64-bit you need to force the -DHAVE_LONG_LONG_INT_64 ## because geos for some reason is can't figure this out ## (for 32-bit you should leave it out) ## Also not that the -DGEOS_ENABLE_INLINE=ON should in theory work but doesn't seem to ## fully so it doesn't matter if you put it in since i have it hardcoded in my patch for mingw64 cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" ../trunk -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${PROJECTS}/geos/rel-${GEOS_VER}w${OS_BUILD} -DHAVE_STD_ISNAN=1 -DHAVE_LONG_LONG_INT_64=1 -DGEOS_ENABLE_INLINE=ON -DGEOS_ENABLE_TESTS=ON make make test make check make install strip ${PROJECTS}/geos/rel-${GEOS_VER}w${OS_BUILD}/bin/*.dll }}} Output of tests should look something like {{{ Running tests... Test project C:/ming64/projects/geos/branches/geos-3.4/build/mingw Start 1: geos_unit 1/4 Test #1: geos_unit ........................ Passed 0.19 sec Start 2: xmltester 2/4 Test #2: xmltester ........................ Passed 6.72 sec Start 3: bug234 3/4 Test #3: bug234 ........................... Passed 0.01 sec Start 4: TestSweepLineSpeed 4/4 Test #4: TestSweepLineSpeed ............... Passed 1.79 sec 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 4 Total Test time (real) = 8.73 sec Scanning dependencies of target check Test project C:/ming64/projects/geos/branches/geos-3.4/build/mingw Start 1: geos_unit 1/4 Test #1: geos_unit ........................ Passed 0.14 sec Start 2: xmltester 2/4 Test #2: xmltester ........................ Passed 6.69 sec Start 3: bug234 3/4 Test #3: bug234 ........................... Passed 0.01 sec Start 4: TestSweepLineSpeed 4/4 Test #4: TestSweepLineSpeed ............... Passed 1.78 sec 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 4 Total Test time (real) = 8.63 sec Built target check }}} = Open Tickets = [[TicketQuery(status=new|assigned|reopened&component~=cmake&order=priority)]]