Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#937 closed defect (invalid)

geos/.h files not available in framework Headers

Reported by: xzcvczx Owned by: geos-devel@…
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Build/Install (cmake) Version: 3.6.2
Severity: Unassigned Keywords:


If you build geos as a framework then and -Ipath/to/GEOS.framework/Headers you can't use <geos/export.h> for example as there is no geos folder in headers.

as all the files are in the root of headers this can easily be worked around by creating a symlink named geos to the Headers directory,

Change History (9)

comment:1 by xzcvczx, 6 years ago

PR #58

Version 0, edited 6 years ago by xzcvczx (next)

comment:2 by kyngchaos, 6 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Actually, the way framework headers work, including <geos/whatever.h> works without using any -I flags. The build system tries frameworks that match the first part of the path in the <>. So, it knows that <geos/whatever.h> is the GEOS framework (names are not case sensitive) and look for the "whatever.h" file in the framework's Headers folder. Using a -I flag should not interfere with this.

And, there already is a symlink if really needed for some reason. It's in the "unix" folder, along with other standard unix-style folders, bin, include and lib. This simulates a unix style build, with the geos-config bin, and c and c++ library names.

comment:3 by kyngchaos, 6 years ago

Can you please revert that change.

comment:4 by robe, 6 years ago

I'm all confused are we talking about

Which hasn't been committed yet? or which has been committed. If it's 58, I can just close that pull request unmerged

comment:6 by robe, 6 years ago

Hmm I wonder if it's some configuration in trac that it's showing the latest fork/branch commit and not what is in the master branch

Line 56 from master repo reads this:

  install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ln -sfh ../../Headers \"${GEOS_FWDIR_VER}/unix/include/geos\")")

and not what is in pull request and

  install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ln -sf . \"${GEOS_FWDIR_VER}/Headers/geos\")")

comment:7 by kyngchaos, 6 years ago

One more note: the "unix" folder is created when the GEOS_ENABLE_MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_UNIXCOMPAT option is used.

comment:8 by xzcvczx, 6 years ago

i will claim to blame proj here, as it seems that iframework needs the <framework/.h> otherwise it doesn't descend into the Framework and headers as far as i can tell, if you know something which will make it work without explicit -I/-isystem into Headers or unix feel free to correct me

comment:9 by kyngchaos, 6 years ago

different frameworks in the GDAL stack have different behaviors for how headers are expected to be included. Some have a subfolder, so they work as framework includes, like GEOS. Some do not have a subfolder, so they need a -I flag, like PROJ.

It's OK to always use -I on the Headers folder, it doesn't interfere with framework includes. This is more portable to other systems. And even if you are writing Mac-only software, it's safer because you may have external sources that expect unix-style includes.

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