Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#120 closed defect (fixed)

configure on solaris 2.7 — at Initial Version

Reported by: havard.tveite@… Owned by: strk@…
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Build/Install Version: 2.2.3
Severity: Significant Keywords: imported, phpbugtracker


Using todays CVS snapshot, the following problems arise when running configure on my solaris 2.7 system:

> ./configure --help
> ./configure: syntax error at line 1622: `CAPI_VERSION_MAJOR=$' unexpected

If I remove:
and replace it with either "1" (the difference), or "$CAPI_INTERFACE_CURRENT-$CAPI_INTERFACE_AGE",
configure seems to work as expected.

I found that this problem also applies to version 2.2.3, but in 2.2.3 there was also another line with the same syntax that had to be "fixed".

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