/********************************************************************** * $Id: BinaryOp.h 1948 2006-12-18 18:44:20Z strk $ * * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source * http://geos.refractions.net * * Copyright (C) 2006 Refractions Research Inc. * * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * See the COPYING file for more information. * ********************************************************************** * * Last port: ORIGINAL WORK * ********************************************************************** * * This file provides a single templated function, taking two * const Geometry pointers, applying a binary operator to them * and returning a result Geometry in an auto_ptr<>. * * The binary operator is expected to take two const Geometry pointers * and return a newly allocated Geometry pointer, possibly throwing * a TopologyException to signal it couldn't succeed due to robustness * issues. * * This function will catch TopologyExceptions and try again with * slightly modified versions of the input. The following heuristic * is used: * * - Try with original input. * - Try removing common bits from input coordinate values * - Try snaping input geometries to each other * - Try snaping input coordinates to a increasing grid (size from 1/25 to 1) * - Try simplifiying input with increasing tolerance (from 0.01 to 0.04) * * If none of the step succeeds the original exception is thrown. * * Note that you can skip Grid snapping, Geometry snapping and Simplify policies * by a compile-time define when building geos. * See USE_TP_SIMPLIFY_POLICY, USE_PRECISION_REDUCTION_POLICY and * USE_SNAPPING_POLICY macros below. * * **********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for auto_ptr //#define GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP 1 /* * Always try original input first */ #ifndef USE_ORIGINAL_INPUT # define USE_ORIGINAL_INPUT 1 #endif /* * Define this to use PrecisionReduction policy * in an attempt at by-passing binary operation * robustness problems (handles TopologyExceptions) */ #ifndef USE_PRECISION_REDUCTION_POLICY //# define USE_PRECISION_REDUCTION_POLICY 1 #endif /* * Define this to use TopologyPreserving simplification policy * in an attempt at by-passing binary operation * robustness problems (handles TopologyExceptions) */ #ifndef USE_TP_SIMPLIFY_POLICY //# define USE_TP_SIMPLIFY_POLICY 1 #endif /* * Use common bits removal policy. * If enabled, this would be tried /before/ * Geometry snapping. */ #ifndef USE_COMMONBITS_POLICY # define USE_COMMONBITS_POLICY 1 #endif /* * Use snapping policy */ #ifndef USE_SNAPPING_POLICY # define USE_SNAPPING_POLICY 1 #endif namespace geos { namespace geom { // geos::geom bool check_valid(const Geometry& g, const std::string& label) { operation::valid::IsValidOp ivo(&g); if ( ! ivo.isValid() ) { std::cerr << label << ": is invalid!" << ivo.getValidationError()->toString() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } /// \brief /// Apply a binary operation to the given geometries /// after snapping them to each other after common-bits /// removal. /// template std::auto_ptr SnapOp(const Geometry* g0, const Geometry *g1, BinOp _Op) { typedef std::auto_ptr GeomPtr; #define CBR_BEFORE_SNAPPING 1 using geos::precision::GeometrySnapper; // Snap tolerance must be computed on the original // (not commonbits-removed) geoms double snapTolerance = GeometrySnapper::computeOverlaySnapTolerance(*g0, *g1); #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr<<"Computed snap tolerance: "<clone()) ); GeomPtr rG1( cbr.removeCommonBits(g1->clone()) ); #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP check_valid(*rG0, "CBR: removed-bits geom 0"); check_valid(*rG1, "CBR: removed-bits geom 1"); #endif const Geometry& operand0 = *rG0; const Geometry& operand1 = *rG1; #else // don't CBR before snapping const Geometry& operand0 = *g0 const Geometry& operand1 = *g1 #endif GeometrySnapper snapper0( operand0 ); GeomPtr snapG0( snapper0.snapTo(operand1, snapTolerance) ); // NOTE: second geom is snapped on the snapped first one GeometrySnapper snapper1( operand1 ); GeomPtr snapG1( snapper1.snapTo(*snapG0, snapTolerance) ); #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP check_valid(*snapG0, "SNAP: snapped geom 0"); check_valid(*snapG1, "SNAP: snapped geom 1"); #endif // Run the binary op GeomPtr result( _Op(snapG0.get(), snapG1.get()) ); #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP check_valid(*result, "Op result (before common-bits addition"); #endif #if CBR_BEFORE_SNAPPING // Add common bits back in cbr.addCommonBits( result.get() ); #endif #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP check_valid(*result, "Op result (after common-bits addition"); #endif return result; } template std::auto_ptr BinaryOp(const Geometry* g0, const Geometry *g1, BinOp _Op) { typedef std::auto_ptr GeomPtr; GeomPtr ret; util::TopologyException origException; #ifdef USE_ORIGINAL_INPUT // Try with original input try { #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "Trying with original input." << std::endl; #endif ret.reset(_Op(g0, g1)); return ret; } catch (const util::TopologyException& ex) { origException=ex; #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "Original exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl; #endif } #endif // USE_ORIGINAL_INPUT #ifdef USE_COMMONBITS_POLICY // Try removing common bits (possibly obsoleted by snapping below) try { GeomPtr rG0; GeomPtr rG1; precision::CommonBitsRemover cbr; #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "Trying with Common bits remover." << std::endl; #endif cbr.add(g0); cbr.add(g1); rG0.reset( cbr.removeCommonBits(g0->clone()) ); rG1.reset( cbr.removeCommonBits(g1->clone()) ); #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP if ( ! rG0->isValid() ) { std::cerr << " CBR: geom 0 is invalid!" << std::endl; } if ( ! rG1->isValid() ) { std::cerr << " CBR: geom 1 is invalid!" << std::endl; } #endif ret.reset( _Op(rG0.get(), rG1.get()) ); cbr.addCommonBits( ret.get() ); return ret; } catch (const util::TopologyException& ex) { #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "CBR: " << ex.what() << std::endl; #endif } #endif // Try with snapping // // TODO: possible optimization would be reusing the // already common-bit-removed inputs and just // apply geometry snapping, whereas the current // SnapOp function does both. // { #if USE_SNAPPING_POLICY #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "Trying with snapping " << std::endl; #endif try { ret = SnapOp(g0, g1, _Op); #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "SnapOp succeeded" << std::endl; #endif return ret; } catch (const util::TopologyException& ex) { #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "SNAP: " << ex.what() << std::endl; #endif } #endif // USE_SNAPPING_POLICY } // { #if USE_PRECISION_REDUCTION_POLICY // Try reducing precision try { int maxPrecision=25; for (int precision=maxPrecision; precision; --precision) { std::auto_ptr pm(new PrecisionModel(precision)); #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "Trying with precision " << precision << std::endl; #endif precision::SimpleGeometryPrecisionReducer reducer( pm.get() ); GeomPtr rG0( reducer.reduce(g0) ); GeomPtr rG1( reducer.reduce(g1) ); try { ret.reset( _Op(rG0.get(), rG1.get()) ); return ret; } catch (const util::TopologyException& ex) { if ( precision == 1 ) throw ex; #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "Reduced with precision (" << precision << "): " << ex.what() << std::endl; #endif } } } catch (const util::TopologyException& ex) { #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "Reduced: " << ex.what() << std::endl; #endif } #endif // USE_PRECISION_REDUCTION_POLICY } // { #if USE_TP_SIMPLIFY_POLICY // Try simplifying try { double maxTolerance = 0.04; double minTolerance = 0.01; double tolStep = 0.01; for (double tol = minTolerance; tol <= maxTolerance; tol += tolStep) { #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "Trying simplifying with tolerance " << tol << std::endl; #endif GeomPtr rG0( simplify::TopologyPreservingSimplifier::simplify(g0, tol) ); GeomPtr rG1( simplify::TopologyPreservingSimplifier::simplify(g1, tol) ); try { ret.reset( _Op(rG0.get(), rG1.get()) ); return ret; } catch (const util::TopologyException& ex) { if ( tol >= maxTolerance ) throw ex; #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "Simplified with tolerance (" << tol << "): " << ex.what() << std::endl; #endif } } return ret; } catch (const util::TopologyException& ex) { #if GEOS_DEBUG_BINARYOP std::cerr << "Simplified: " << ex.what() << std::endl; #endif } #endif // USE_TP_SIMPLIFY_POLICY } throw origException; } } // namespace geos::geom } // namespace geos