= Documents = The purpose of this page is to hold files and documents related to !GeoPrisma available for download. == 2009 Presentations == In 2009, !GeoPrisma was presented for the first time at [http://2009.foss4g.org/ FOSS4G 2009] in Barcelona and at [http://geomatique2009.acsg-montreal.ca/en Geomatic 2009] in Montreal. For the matter, [http://www.openoffice.org/ OpenOffice] presentations (v2.2) were created, see the [/attachment/wiki/WikiStart/Documents/geoprisma-presentation-2009-Sept-EN.odp English] and [/attachment/wiki/WikiStart/Documents/geoprisma-presentation-2009-Sept-FR.odp French] versions. See also the [/attachment/wiki/WikiStart/Documents/geoprisma-presentation-2009-Sept-EN.pdf English PDF] version.