= !GeoPrisma 1.4 Release Plan = This purpose of this page is to list the main tasks required for !GeoPrisma version 1.4 release. == Main objectives == * Have the ability to Get and Set the map center using the API widget (#416). * Mark the !TemplatePopup widget as stable. Do all required fixes. * Update its sample to show what it's currently capable of. (#421) * Add the possibility to load subsets of data using an external ACL in Postgresql. * This is already possible using the !AccessFilter in !GeoPrisma, but it currently lacks documentation (#423), a good sample (#424) and some validations (#425). Also, make sure it's supported by the XMLWorkspaceConfig driver (#426). * Standardize the "grid" widget options in order to be able to configure the field options only at one place, i.e. inside the resource fields. * Make the according changes to the !ResultExtGrid widget #248 == BIS-1.4.0 == Here's the tickets that BIS want solved for the 1.4.0 milestone : [http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/query?status=assigned&status=closed&status=new&status=reopened&group=status&order=priority&col=id&col=summary&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=component&col=version&milestone=1.4.0&keywords=~bis-1.4.0 bis-1.4.0]. == 1.4 Release Notes (Preview) == === Supported Browsers === !GeoPrisma has been tested and fully supports the following browsers : * Internet Explorer 7, 8 and 9 * Firefox 3.6+ Other browsers were not tested so can't be qualified as fully supported. === Supported !JavaScript Libraries === The following libraries (version) are packaged with !GeoPrisma 1.4 : * !OpenLayers (2.11) * Proj4js (1.0.1) * !MapFish (trunk, revision 3862) * !GeoExt (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!AttributeFilterPanel (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!FeatureEditing (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!LayerManager (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!LayerTreeBuilder (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!ShortcutCombo (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-Styler (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-WFSTFeatureEditing (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!ZoomTo (trunk, revision '''2878''') ('''updated''') The following libraries (version) were tested with !GeoPrisma 1.4 : * ExtJS (3.4.0) === Softwares === The following softwares can be safely used with this release of !GeoPrisma as its services : * [http://mapserver.org/ MapServer] (5.6.6+, 6.0.0+), for WMS and WFS services * [http://tilecache.org/ TileCache] (2.10+) * [http://pypi.python.org/pypi/FeatureServer/1.12 FeatureServer] (1.12+) * [http://www.mapfish.org/doc/print/ MapFish Print] (1.2+) * [http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/ MS4W] (3.0.2, 3.0.3) * [http://mapserver.org/trunk/mapcache/index.html MapCache], for TMS services === Tile providers === The following tile providers are supported by this release of !GeoPrisma as "gymo" services : * !GoogleMaps (3.5+) * !YahooMaps (3.0+) * !OpenStreetMaps === Widgets === Widgets that are new or received big or important updates have a notice in parenthesis. '''Stable''' * api ('''updated''') * applyfilter * featurepanel_selector * geoextprintform * geoexttoolbar * geoextux_layertreebuilder * geoextux_redliningpanel * geoextux_shortcutcombo * geoextux_zoomto ('''updated''') * getmouseposition * htwindow * initialview * layer * mappanel * measuretool * mouseposition * querybyrect * queryonclick * queryonclickwizard * resultextgrid ('''updated''') * resultvectorlayer * scale * shortcut * toggle * unselectall * vectorlayer * zoomslider '''Unstable''' * attributefilterpanel * editfeature_confirm * editfeature_copy * editfeature_create * editfeature_delete * editfeature_drag * editfeature_update * editfeature_split * filetreepanel * featurepanel_customform * featurepanel_attributeform * featurepanel_form * geoextux_printpreview * geoextux_wmsbrowser * geoextux_geonamessearchcombo * keepactivesession * pdfprint * templatepopup * wfsfilterbuilder * wmslayeradder '''Deprecated''' * map * mapfishlayertree * mapfishrecenter