= !GeoPrisma 1.6.2 Announcement = The GeoPrisma Development Team is proud to announce the release of GeoPrisma 1.6.2, which closes 1 bug fix ticket. The GeoPrisma 1.6.2 source code can be downloaded from: http://geoprisma.org/download/geoprisma-1.6.2.tar.gz or using SVN at : https://svn.osgeo.org/geoprisma/projects/geoprisma/tags/rel-1-6-2/ The GeoPrisma 1.6.2 documentation is available at : http://geoprisma.org/docs/1.6/ See the full documentation about the GeoPrisma 1.6.2 Release at : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/wiki/Release/1.6 For a complete list of the fixes and new features available, please read the HISTORY.TXT under Version 1.6.2 available at : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/browser/projects/geoprisma/tags/rel-1-6-1/HISTORY.TXT#L18 Make sure you reade the migration guide when upgrading from 1.4 to 1.6 : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/wiki/Release/1.6/Notes#MigrationGuide:GeoPrisma1.4to1.6 If you migrate from 1.0, make sure you also read this guide first : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/wiki/Release/1.2/Notes#MigrationGuide:GeoPrisma1.0to1.2 Please help out by testing your applications with this new code base. Thanks! - The GeoPrisma Team ---- = !GeoPrisma 1.6.1 Announcement = The GeoPrisma Development Team is proud to announce the release of GeoPrisma 1.6.1, which closes 2 bug fix tickets. The GeoPrisma 1.6.1 source code can be downloaded from: http://geoprisma.org/download/geoprisma-1.6.1.tar.gz or using SVN at : https://svn.osgeo.org/geoprisma/projects/geoprisma/tags/rel-1-6-1/ The GeoPrisma 1.6.1 documentation is available at : http://geoprisma.org/docs/1.6/ See the full documentation about the GeoPrisma 1.6.1 Release at : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/wiki/Release/1.6 For a complete list of the fixes and new features available, please read the HISTORY.TXT under Version 1.6.1 available at : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/browser/projects/geoprisma/tags/rel-1-6-1/HISTORY.TXT#L18 Make sure you reade the migration guide when upgrading from 1.4 to 1.6 : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/wiki/Release/1.6/Notes#MigrationGuide:GeoPrisma1.4to1.6 If you migrate from 1.0, make sure you also read this guide first : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/wiki/Release/1.2/Notes#MigrationGuide:GeoPrisma1.0to1.2 Please help out by testing your applications with this new code base. Thanks! - The GeoPrisma Team ---- = !GeoPrisma 1.6.0 Announcement = The GeoPrisma Development Team is proud to announce the release of GeoPrisma 1.6.0, which closes 22 outstanding tickets ! The GeoPrisma 1.6.0 source code can be downloaded from: http://geoprisma.org/download/geoprisma-1.6.0.tar.gz or using SVN at : https://svn.osgeo.org/geoprisma/projects/geoprisma/tags/rel-1-6-0/ The 1.6 branch was also created and is available at : https://svn.osgeo.org/geoprisma/projects/geoprisma/branches/branch-1-6/ The GeoPrisma 1.6.0 documentation is available at : http://geoprisma.org/docs/1.6/ The 1.6.0 release include several cool new features. Some of the highlights include: * Several new print features, such as 'mapSubtitle', overview, grid, etc. * New OverviewMap widget * OpenLayers library updated to 2.12-rc7 * New 'reverseCoordinates' option for ZoomTo, GetMousePostition and MousePosition widget to display coordinates in reverse order (LatLon instead of LonLat). * Variable substitution for service urls * WMS proxy now support POST for long request urls and many more fixes. See the full documentation about the GeoPrisma 1.6.0 Release at : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/wiki/Release/1.6 For a complete list of the fixes and new features available, please read the HISTORY.TXT under Version 1.6.0 available at : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/browser/projects/geoprisma/tags/rel-1-6-0/HISTORY.TXT#L14 Make sure you reade the migration guide when upgrading from 1.4 to 1.6 : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/wiki/Release/1.6/Notes#MigrationGuide:GeoPrisma1.4to1.6 If you migrate from 1.0, make sure you also read this guide first : http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/wiki/Release/1.2/Notes#MigrationGuide:GeoPrisma1.0to1.2 Please help out by testing your applications with this new code base. Thanks! - The GeoPrisma Team