== 1.2 Release Notes == === Supported Browsers === !GeoPrisma has been tested and fully supports the following browsers : * Internet Explorer 7, 8 and 9 * Firefox 3.6+ Other browsers were not tested so can't be qualified as fully supported. === Supported !JavaScript Libraries === The following libraries (version) are packaged with !GeoPrisma 1.2 : * !OpenLayers (2.11) * Proj4js (1.0.1) * !MapFish (trunk, revision 3862) * !GeoExt (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!AttributeFilterPanel (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!FeatureEditing (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!LayerManager (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!LayerTreeBuilder (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!ShortcutCombo (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-Styler (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-WFSTFeatureEditing (trunk, revision 2865) * !GeoExt-ux-!ZoomTo (trunk, revision 2865) The following libraries (version) were tested with !GeoPrisma 1.2 : * ExtJS (3.4.0) === Softwares === The following softwares can be safely used with this release of !GeoPrisma as its services : * [http://mapserver.org/ MapServer] (5.6.6+, 6.0.0+), for WMS and WFS services * [http://tilecache.org/ TileCache] (2.10+) * [http://pypi.python.org/pypi/FeatureServer/1.12 FeatureServer] (1.12+) * [http://www.mapfish.org/doc/print/ MapFish Print] (1.2+) * [http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/ MS4W] (3.0.2, 3.0.3) * [http://mapserver.org/trunk/mapcache/index.html MapCache], for TMS services ('''new''') === Tile providers === The following tile providers are supported by this release of !GeoPrisma as "gymo" services : * !GoogleMaps ('''3.5+ only''', see [wiki:Release/1.2/Notes#MigrationGuide Migration Guide]) * !YahooMaps (3.0+) * !OpenStreetMaps === Widgets === Widgets that are new or received big or important updates have a notice in parenthesis. '''Stable''' * api ('''new''', see [wiki:Release/1.2/Notes#MigrationGuide Migration Guide]) * applyfilter ('''new''') * featurepanel_selector * geoextprintform * geoexttoolbar * geoextux_layertreebuilder * geoextux_redliningpanel * geoextux_shortcutcombo * geoextux_zoomto * getmouseposition * htwindow * initialview ('''updated''', see [wiki:Release/1.2/Notes#MigrationGuide Migration Guide]) * layer * mappanel ('''updated''') * measuretool ('''updated''', see [wiki:Release/1.2/Notes#MigrationGuide Migration Guide]) * mouseposition * querybyrect * queryonclick * queryonclickwizard * resultextgrid * resultvectorlayer * scale * shortcut * toggle * unselectall * vectorlayer * zoomslider '''Unstable''' * attributefilterpanel * editfeature_confirm * editfeature_copy * editfeature_create * editfeature_delete * editfeature_drag * editfeature_update * editfeature_split * filetreepanel * featurepanel_customform * featurepanel_attributeform * featurepanel_form * geoextux_printpreview * geoextux_wmsbrowser * geoextux_geonamessearchcombo * keepactivesession * pdfprint * templatepopup * wfsfilterbuilder * wmslayeradder '''Deprecated''' * map * mapfishlayertree * mapfishrecenter === Migration Guide === '''API widget''' The API is a new widget that was added (#389). It is automatically added to the UI and doesn't need to be defined in the configuration file. However, it must still be included in the .xslt template file '''!GoogleMaps''' !GoogleMaps v2 is no longer supported in 1.2 (#176). You must change all source tags in your gymo services with google provider to point to a v3 url instead. '''!InitialView''' The !InitialView widget was changed in 1.2. Make sure you take a look at its new documentation. See the changes details in the ticket #399. '''!MeasureTool''' The !MeasureTool widget was changed in 1.2 (#292). Make sure you take a look at its new documentation. In brief : * From now on, you only need to define one !MeasureTool widget because it includes both area and length measurements * 'measuretype' option removed because it's no longer used * 'tohectare' option rename to 'hectare' and doesn't replace the measure, it adds it. * all !OpenLayers styling options were removed. === Other Notes === '''!ApplyFilter''' If you're using the !ApplyFilter widget, make sure its container has the "animCollapse" property set to false. For an example, see the samples.xslt template file used by the samples. '''XMLWorkspaceConfig widgets tag''' The XMLWorkspaceConfig driver can now defines a list of unbound widgets using the new '''widgets''' tag. To know the possible widget types that can be used use in that new config, see the ticket #393. === HISTORY.TXT === See [http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/browser/projects/geoprisma/tags/rel-1-2-0/HISTORY.TXT HISTORY.TXT] for a complete detail for of each release for the 1.2 branch.