= Target Namespaces = author: Heikki Doeleman This page describes the target namespaces of the XML Schemas pertaining to the XML documents this project is about. [[BR]] ---- === Introduction === The target namespace of an XML Schema is the namespace of documents that are described by that schema. Documents described by the schemas used in the CSW-ebRIM Registry Service specification (OGC 07-110r2 and OGC 07-144r2) are in the WRS namespace; although there is a slight difference is the actual namespace between the schema for the ebRim profile of CSW (targetnamespace: http://www.opengis.net/cat/wrs/1.0) and the schema for the Basic extension package (targetnamespace: http://www.opengis.net/cat/wrs). ---- [[Image(targetnamespaces.png)]] ----