= Adding Registers to GeoNetwork = || '''Date''' || 2011-10-26 || || '''Contact(s)''' || Simon Pigot || || '''Last edited''' || 2011-10-26T12:40:00 || || '''Status''' || Being discussed, in progress, initial implementation in progress || || '''Assigned to release''' || 2.7.x || || '''Resources''' || Available || || '''Ticket #''' || #XYZ || == Overview == A register as defined in ISO19135 is a list of items that have been assigned an identifier. ISO19135 has models of a register and describes the roles and procedures necessary for registering an item. An registered item may be any piece of geographic information. For the purposes of this proposal the items in the register will be the codelists or vocabularies associated with a metadata record. This proposal describes: * the addition of the XML schema implementation of ISO19135 to GeoNetwork as a plugin schema * how codelists, vocabularies and thesaurii will be implemented as ISO19135 records (registers) in GeoNetwork * how metadata records in a metadata schema will be linked to these registers === Proposal Type === * '''Type''': GUI Change, Core Change * '''App''': !GeoNetwork * '''Module''': Harvester, Kernel === Links === * '''Documents''': ISO19135: Geographic information - Procedures for item registration (unfortunately this must be purchased from ISO) * '''ISO19135 Plugin Schema Implementation''': http://geonetwork.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/geonetwork/schemaPlugins/trunk/iso19135/ === Voting History === * Vote not yet proposed. == Motivations == Currently: * Vocabularies, codelists and thesauri are held in static files external to the GeoNetwork catalog. The process by which items in these registers are modified, updated, superseded or retired are invisible as the formats they are held in do not support capture of this information. * Metadata records that use items from these registers usually do so by referencing an external document (eg. http://asdd.ga.gov.au/asdd/profileinfo/anzlic-theme.xml) * Often the codelist has been converted to yet another format for use in the GeoNetwork editor (eg. the ISO19139 codelists in http://www.isotc211.org/2005/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml are converted to a codelists.xml file for use in GeoNetwork). Recording and propagating changes to a codelist in this environment is difficult to say the least. The motivation for this proposal is to capture register changes in the register, make registers transportable between catalogs through harvesting, and converge access to one register format. == Proposal == * Implement ISO19135 register models (implemented as a draft XML schema at http://www.isotc211.org/2005/grg/register.xsd) as a plugin schema for GeoNetwork * Develop an XSLT to convert the ISO19139 CT_CodelistCatalog format to ISO19135 register format * Add ISO19135 register records to ISO metadata schemas and profiles (to be loaded with the schema/profile into GeoNetwork category 'Registers') * === Backwards Compatibility Issues === === New libraries added === Explain which and why new libraries are required for that proposal ... == Risks == == Participants == * List of participants and role (if necessary) in current GIP