Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of refactoring_harvesters

03/22/11 03:56:41 (14 years ago)



  • refactoring_harvesters

    v1 v1  
     1= Refactor harvesting =
     3|| '''Date''' || 2011/03/21 ||
     4|| '''Contact(s)''' || Mathieu, Julien ||
     5|| '''Last edited''' || ||
     6|| '''Status''' || draft ||
     7|| '''Assigned to release''' || probably 2.7 ||
     8|| '''Resources''' ||  ||
     10== Overview ==
     12Here is a proposal for harvesting part refactoring. This module is quite old, with a lot of duplicate code (ie. "align" methods). Moreover, the client side is quite complex with lots of Ajax query, XSL transformations on the client side, old javascript librairies used...
     15=== Proposal Type ===
     16 * '''Type''': GUI Change, Core Change
     17 * '''App''': !GeoNetwork
     18 * '''Module''': Harvester, Kernel, Data Manager
     20=== Voting History ===
     21 * Vote proposed by X on Y, result was +/-n (m non-voting members).
     25== Motivations ==
     27Remove duplicate code.
     28Use librairies up to date.
     29Store harvesting task into specific model.
     31== Proposal ==
     33Both server side and client will be refactored based on an object model and on JSON object.
     34We try to think this new model as generic as it could be in order to be easily extended by any new harvester.
     36This new model uses specifics tables in the database to store information about harvesters (HarvestingTask, HarvestingTaskResults...).
     38For now, we did a new interface based on ExtJs only for the OAI PMH harvester and we only move this harvester to the new model, there is some work to move all harvesters and to get them working into the trunk.
     40=== Backwards Compatibility Issues ===
     42=== New libraries added ===
     43JSON librairies (Jackson)
     46Guava for Utils on Java objects.
     49== Risks ==
     51== Participants ==
     52 * Mathieu, Julien
     53 * OpenWIS project.