Changes between Version 70 and Version 71 of rdfstore

10/30/12 22:09:11 (12 years ago)



  • rdfstore

    v70 v71  
    137137Doesn't support XLinks records?
    139 Doesn't support parentIdentifer/aggregationInfo methods of creating links to other metadata records? How complete is the mapping from ISO19115/19139 to RDF on (a question for Simon Cox).
     139Doesn't support parentIdentifer/aggregationInfo methods of creating links to other metadata records? How complete is the mapping from ISO19115/19139 to RDF on
    141141==== ====
    143143Patch uses Apache JENA RDF store but GeoNetwork already uses the OpenRDF-Sesame RDF store for its SKOS vocabularies - would be better to use one of these RDF stores, not both?  (Perhaps OpenRDF-Sesame doesn't support something needed here?)
    145 DataManagerRDF adds extra methods to DataManager that (at the moment) simply store the metadata record (in RDF) in the RDF Store - this is a duplicate of the metadata stored in the database (which is fine for test purposes). These methods seem to be coded efficiently. Unfortunately the only mapping to RDF currently supported is the ISO19115/19139 mapping on GeoNetwork also supports other metadata schemas (eg. Dublin Core, ISO profiles etc). Simple checks need to be added to DataManager to avoid calling DataManagerRDF if the schema of the metadata record does not have a mapping to RDF. This could be achieved by moving the xml2rdf.xsl and rdf2xml.xsl XSLTs from web/geonetwork/xsl to the convert dir of the iso19139 plugin schema and then implementing a check to see whether these XSLTs exist in a particular plugin schema in DataManagerRDF (this is a small change that would make the current patch work better with GeoNetwork).
     145DataManagerRDF adds extra methods to !DataManager that (at the moment) simply store the metadata record (in RDF) in the RDF Store - this is a duplicate of the metadata stored in the database (which is fine for test purposes). These methods seem to be coded efficiently. Unfortunately the only mapping to RDF currently supported is the ISO19115/19139 mapping on GeoNetwork also supports other metadata schemas (eg. Dublin Core, ISO profiles etc). Simple checks need to be added to !DataManager to avoid calling DataManagerRDF if the schema of the metadata record does not have a mapping to RDF. This could be achieved by moving the xml2rdf.xsl and rdf2xml.xsl XSLTs from web/geonetwork/xsl to the convert dir of the iso19139 plugin schema and then implementing a check to see whether these XSLTs exist in a particular plugin schema in DataManagerRDF (this is a small change that would make the current patch work better with GeoNetwork).
    147147==== Other Java Changes ====