Changes between Version 49 and Version 50 of rdfstore

10/29/12 18:59:58 (12 years ago)



  • rdfstore

    v49 v50  
    7171RDFS (or RDF Schema) adds a class structure to RDF triples. OWL (Web Ontology Language) adds inference rules to RDF/RDFS.
    73 A lot of resources in the !GeoNetwork space have been devoted to managing ISO19115 metadata records, ISO19115 metadata objects and relationships between objects and records. In many ways, exploring RDF is an attempt to achieve the same outcomemeans that metadata records would be broken down into small facts that can be used and reused in any metadata record (not just an ISO metadata record) - history shows that no single metadata standard has ever gained ascendancy over all domains eg. Taxon Concept Schema and Darwin Core are popular for biological data, Dublin Core remains popular for (which?) some applications, SDMX is used for statistical metadata and so on - using a generic fact representation seems to be a more worthwhile and sustainable approach
     73A lot of resources in the !GeoNetwork space have been devoted to managing ISO19115 metadata records, ISO19115 metadata objects and relationships between objects and records. In many ways, exploring RDF is an attempt to achieve the same outcome means that metadata records would be broken down into small facts that can be used and reused in any metadata record (not just an ISO metadata record) - history shows that no single metadata standard has ever gained ascendancy over all domains eg. Taxon Concept Schema and Darwin Core are popular for biological data, Dublin Core remains popular for (which?) some applications, SDMX is used for statistical metadata and so on - using a generic fact representation seems to be a more worthwhile and sustainable approach
    7575== Proposal ==