Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of proposals/SubTemplates

Jun 1, 2011, 3:16:47 AM (13 years ago)



  • proposals/SubTemplates

    v7 v8  
    9090 * privileges : Define privileges for the sub-template.
     92Sub-template could be edited in simple,advanced and XML mode.
    104105=== Questions: ===
    106  * do we need more than full text indexing ?
    107107 * Sub template for simple element ? eg. gmd:abstract
    108  * Root element :
    109   * how-to manage same types ? eg. gmd:pointOfContact, gmd:contact, gmd:citedResponsibleParty, gmd:distributorContact elements are all gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty. Root element is not enough to be able to decide where a sub-template could be inserted. For the contact gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty would be a better type identifier.
    110   * qualifiedName in the root column : maybe namespace is better ?
    111  * When adding a contact as sub-template, editor want to set his role (which could be different according to the record) ? How to set this as a parameter to the sub-template ?
    112  * should we use metadata import page to import sub template ? or a custom one ?
    113  * how to autodetect schema for templates ? - maybe we need a specific import page to set schema value. or if user set subtemplate for the type, then schema is mandatory ?
    114  * we always edit in advanced mode - at least non flat mode to provide all schema elements ?
    115  * Subtemplate model
    116   * we need a title for all types of subtemplate (to be display in search). Where/how to configure ?
    117    * Quid on extent ? using description which is not mandatory ?
    118  * deleting a subtemplate and lost XLinks - how to manage ?
     108 * Model
     109  * Root element :
     110   * how-to manage same types ? eg. gmd:pointOfContact, gmd:contact, gmd:citedResponsibleParty, gmd:distributorContact elements are all gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty. Root element is not enough to be able to decide where a sub-template could be inserted. For the contact gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty would be a better type identifier.
     111   * qualifiedName in the root column : maybe namespace is better ?
     112 * Search
     113  * Index
     114   * do we need more than full text indexing ?
     115  * BriefFormat : defined in metadata-iso19139 using a subtemplate XSL mode
     116   * for extent, how to define a title ? using description which is not mandatory ?
     117 * Editor
     118  * When adding a contact as sub-template, editor want to set his role (which could be different according to the record) ? How to set this as a parameter to the sub-template ?
     119 * Manage
     120  * should we use metadata import page to import sub template ? or a custom one ?
     121  * how to autodetect schema for templates ? - maybe we need a specific import page to set schema value. or if user set subtemplate for the type, then schema is mandatory ?
     122  * deleting a subtemplate and lost XLinks - how to manage ?
    120124Future feature:
    121125 * Capability to extract subtemplate from existing record (cf. ReusableObjectStrategy in
     126 * Multilingual subtemplate?
    124128=== Backwards Compatibility Issues ===