= Inspire Search criteria (optional) ΒΆ =
|| '''Date''' || 2010/15/03 ||
|| '''Contact(s)''' || Jose Garcia. ||
|| '''Last edited''' || [[Timestamp]] ||
|| '''Status''' || draft ||
|| '''Assigned to release''' || 2.5.0 ||
|| '''Resources''' || NGR ||
== Overview ==
This proposal extends then GeoNetwork search interface to allow search metadata using INSPIRE criteria. The proposal is based on NGR project, that extended the Search GUI to allow search of INSPIRE compliant metadata.
=== Proposal Type ===
* '''Type''': GUI Change, Core Change
* '''App''': !GeoNetwork
* '''Module''': Lucene Index, Search Interface
=== Links ===
* '''Documents''': [http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reports/ImplementingRules/inspireDataspecD2_3v2.0.pdf]
* '''Email discussions''':
* '''Other wiki discussions''': [wiki:InspireView]
=== Voting History ===
* Vote not yet proposed
== Motivations ==
Extend the current search gui to support the search of metadata using INSPIRE criteria.
== Proposal ==
=== Configure the avalability of INSPIRE options ===
The search for INSPIRE metadata panel is not visible by default. A mechanism is added in order to turn on/off INSPIRE search panel in config-gui.xml.
This parameter can be used to enable/disable the avalability of INSPIRE in GeoNetwork, maybe also for [wiki:InspireView]
=== Search panel ===
If INSPIRE is enabled, the INSPIRE search options are shown in the advanced search panel:
The search panel for INSPIRE allows searching with this criteria fields:
* Title (Metadata title)
* INSPIRE Annex (See [http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reports/ImplementingRules/inspireDataspecD2_3v2.0.pdf])
* INSPIRE Theme (See [http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reports/ImplementingRules/inspireDataspecD2_3v2.0.pdf])
* Source type (Hierarchy level)
* Service type (Online protocol)
* Organisation (Group)
=== Indexing ===
||'''Search field'''||'''Lucene field'''||
||Title (Metadata title)||title||
||Inspire annex||inspireannex ('''new''')||
||INSPIRE theme||inspiretheme ('''new''')||
||Source type (Hierarchy level)||type||
||Service type (Online protocol)||protocol||
Two new fields should be added to the indexing of iso19139 to allow search for INSPIRE annex and INSPIRE theme fields (index-fields.xsl):
=== Backwards Compatibility Issues ===
== Risks ==
== Participants ==
* Jose Garcia