Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of proposals/InspireDownloadServiceAsAtom

06/06/13 01:36:41 (12 years ago)



  • proposals/InspireDownloadServiceAsAtom

    v4 v5  
    2 = Add Support for Inspire Download Service As Atom Feed =
     2= Add Support for Inspire OpenSearch (Atom) =
    44|| '''Date''' || 2012/09/18 ||
    1717'''Generate Atom'''
    19 Inspire requires either WFS service or Atom xml for downloading datasets. These days governments are uploading xml-files as Atom-files and link to that document from the Geonetwork data download link. The Atom document contains roughly the same information as an Inspire iso19115/9 record in GN. So seems quite usefull to generate this feed document as an output format for Geonetwork. More info can be read in technical guidence for download services doc 3.0rc1 and/or (in dutch).
     19Inspire requires either WFS service or Atom xml with link to the download for downloading datasets. More info can be read in technical guidence for download services doc 3.0
     20 and/or (in dutch).
     22These days data owners are creating Atom-documents for downloads they provide and link to the Atom document from an iso19115 onlineresource section. The Atom document contains roughly the same information as the actual Inspire iso19115 record in GN. So seems quite usefull to generate this feed document as an output format for Geonetwork (most of this is already implemented in current opensearch gn-implementation). However we've also got some requests from governments that from a legal point of view geonetwork can not create these documents, but should link to and include their content from the original location in the lucene index. The Atom specification is part of the "Inspire Download services", where the geonetwork catalogue is part of the "Inspire Discovery service". In a country responsibility for either one of these services can be delegated to different legal entities.
     24So I propose to make a setting in a config-override to support both use cases
     26Shared functionality for the implementations will have these features:
     28* Atom search queries the standard lucene index (by configuration limited to only records complying to the Inspire standard) and presents the results in an atom document, from this document the individual Atom documents can be accessed.
     29* If an iso19119 metadata record identifier is provided in the url, the search will be limited to this document  plus all the related datasets to this document (the download service)
     30* For each iso19119 record an OpenSearch Description document should be available listing all the dataset-identifiers available in the Atom feed.
     31* "Describe Spatial Data Set"-operation will provide a single Atom document for a dataset (inputs are identifier, language)
     32* "Get Spatial Data Set"-operation will provide an attached spatial datafile (inputs are identifier, language, crs)
     34== How to extend what we have now ==
     36In some work has been implemented to introduce OpenSearch. This proposal adds some extra fields (and functionality) to the existing implementation (and/or) is implemented as a series of overrides to not make the current implementation to complex.
    22 http://.../geonetwork/srv/eng/ATOM?uuid=a3d33-...
    25 Would return a document like:
     41This url opens the OpenSearch Description document. Some extra fields should be added. The filter with a iso19119 uuid should be implemented, if such a filter is provided a list of all dataset identifiers in this service should be displayed.
     46Queries the index and shows results. Some extra fields should be implemented. The link should not reference the iso19115 record in GN but an Atom document descrbing the dataset. The url for this could look like:
     50This is also an implementation of the "Describe Spatial Data Set"-operation
     52GN will return a document like:
    2955<feed xmlns=""
    3056    xmlns:georss=""
    75101    </entry>
    79 }}}
     106== Implementation with harvested ATOM will require functionality like this ==
     108'''Collect ATOM'''
     109In the situation that the data provider provides its own Atom document, geonetwork should not link to the Atom document generated by the catalogue, but to the document provided by the data provider.
     110To be able to include the ATOM contents in the Lucene index, we'll need to harvest the Atom document on regular intervals.
     111Similar to a WMS-capabilities harvest. An Atom harvest would be able to collect the contents of the Atom feed and include it as a field in the metadata table, to be able to add it to the lucene index.
     113'''Harvest ATOM'''
     114A usecase to consider is that we also create an ATOM harvester which will be able to harvest iso19115 and iso19119 metadata from Atom feeds.
    81116'''Validate Atom'''
     117Before being able to collect or harvest Atom Feeds I guess we'll need Atom XSD in GN
    83 Before being able to harvest metadata from Atom Feeds i guess we'll need Atom XSD in GN
    85 '''Harvest ATOM'''
    87 Similar to a WMS-capabilities harvest. An Atom harvest would be able to harvest iso19115 and iso19119 metadata records from an Atom feed.
    89120'''Display Atom Contents'''
    91 The atom link can be referred to from the Inspire iso19115 and Inspire iso19119 records in the catalogue
     122The atom link can be referred to from the Inspire iso19115 and Inspire iso19119 records in the catalogue, we might add a suggestion button here to be able to auto-add the geonetwork link here, or add a link to your local server
    94 <srv:connectPoint><gmd:CI_OnlineResource><gmd:linkage><gmd:URL>http://.../geonetwork/srv/eng/ATOM?uuid=a3d33-...</gmd:URL></gmd:linkage></gmd:CI_OnlineResource></srv:connectPoint>
    97128An example reord can be viewed at:
    99 If GN finds such an atom feed url in the gmd:url field, the metadata record-view could get the feed contents and return the linked datasets inside the Atom document and present them as hyperlinks
     130Also if GN finds such an atom feed url in the gmd:url field, the metadata record-view could get the feed contents and return the linked datasets inside the Atom document and present them as hyperlinks
    101 '''Inspire validation of the introduced tooling'''
    103 Geonovum (dutch government) has used SoapUi to build a complience test framework for view & download services, This framework can be used to check whether the
    104 introduced tooling complies with the inspire directives. Goal is to minimize manual duplication of metadata elements.
    108  * create Atom output format (new endpoint using custom xslt)
     135 * create Atom output format (new rss.detail endpoint using custom xslt)
    109136 * Add option to iso19115 'online resource' section to auto generate a hyperlink to an Atom feed referring to the uploaded dataset
    110137 * Add option to harvest iso19115/iso19119 metadata from an Atom Feed
    111138 * If online resource section contains atom link, present as human readable in metadata record view
     139 * filter by iso19119-uuid
     140 * filter by "inspire compliency"?
    112141 * Complience testing
    120149=== Voting history ===
    122 Vote proposed by Paul on 2012/MM/DD, result was
     151Vote proposed by Paul on 2013/june/6, result was
    123152 * ?
    131160 * Heikki Doeleman
    132161 * Jose Garcia
     162 * Thijs Brentjens / Ine de Visser