28 | | <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" |
29 | | xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss" xmlns:inspire_dls="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_dls/1.0" xml:lang="nl"> |
30 | | <title xml:lang="nl">INSPIRE Download service </title> |
31 | | <subtitle xml:lang="nl"></subtitle> |
32 | | <link href="http://nationaalgeoregister.nl/geonetwork/srv/nl/iso19139.xml?id=448130" rel="describedby" type="application/vnd.iso.19139+xml" /> |
33 | | <link href="http://..../geonetwork" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" hreflang="nl" title="this" /> |
34 | | <id>http://..../geonetwork</id> |
35 | | <rights>no limits</rights> |
36 | | <updated>2012-06-25T10:45:03Z</updated> |
37 | | <author> |
38 | | <name>me</name> |
39 | | <email>me@altern.org</email> |
40 | | </author> |
41 | | <entry> |
42 | | <title xml:lang="nl">title</title> |
43 | | <inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_code>e39bd6e0-7651-11e0-a1f0-0800200c9a62</inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_code> |
44 | | <inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace>http://www</inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace> |
45 | | <link rel="alternate" href="http://.../geonetwork/data/4258.zip" type="application/x-shapefile" hreflang="eng" length="1084685" title="" /> |
46 | | <id>http://.../geonetwork/data/4258.zip</id> |
47 | | <updated>2012-06-26T00:00:00</updated> |
48 | | <category term="http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4258" label="ETRS89" /> |
49 | | <id></id> |
50 | | <updated>2012-06-25T10:45:03</updated> |
51 | | <summary></summary> |
52 | | <georss:polygon>50.74 3.25 53.48 3.25 53.48 7.22 50.74 7.22 50.74 3.25</georss:polygon> |
53 | | <category term="http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4258" label="ETRS89" /> |
54 | | </entry> |
| 28 | |
| 29 | <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" |
| 30 | xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss" |
| 31 | xmlns:inspire_dls="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_dls/1.0"> |
| 32 | <!-- feed title --> |
| 33 | <title xml:lang="nl">Demonstratie INSPIRE Download Service 3.0, ATOM - Service Feed</title> |
| 34 | <!-- feed subtitle --> |
| 35 | <subtitle xml:lang="nl">INSPIRE Download Service van Geonovum als demonstratie van een Download Service met voorgedefinieerde datasets voor Geografische namen en Administratieve eenheden</subtitle> |
| 36 | <!-- links to metadata and alternative representations --> |
| 37 | <link href="http://s01.geonovum.site4u.nl/download/metadata_atom_servicefeed.xml" rel="describedby" type="application/vnd.iso.19139+xml"/> |
| 38 | <link href="http://s01.geonovum.site4u.nl/download/downloadservice_atom_servicefeed.xml" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" |
| 39 | hreflang="nl" title="Demonstratie INSPIRE Download Service 3.0 - Service Feed"/> |
| 40 | <link rel="search" href="http://s01.geonovum.site4u.nl/download/opensearch_description.xml" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Open Search Description voor Demonstratie INSPIRE Download Service 3.0, ATOM - Service Feed"/> |
| 41 | <!-- identifier --> |
| 42 | <id>http://s01.geonovum.site4u.nl/download/downloadservice_atom_servicefeed.xml</id> |
| 43 | <!-- rights, access restrictions --> |
| 44 | <rights>geen toegangsbeperkingen</rights> |
| 45 | <!-- date/time of last update of feed --> |
| 46 | <updated>2012-06-18T15:35:06Z</updated> |
| 47 | <!-- author info --> |
| 48 | <author> |
| 49 | <name>Geonovum</name> |
| 50 | <email>jj@jj.org</email> |
| 51 | </author> |
| 52 | <entry> |
| 53 | <!-- title for pre-defined dataset --> |
| 54 | <title xml:lang="nl">Geografische namen (DEMO) NamedPlaces - Parent Feed (CRS)</title> |
| 55 | |
| 56 | <!-- Spatial Dataset Unique Resourse Identifier voor de dataset --> |
| 57 | <inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_code>06b6c650-cdb1-11dd-ad8b-0800200c9a79</inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_code> |
| 58 | <!-- Geonovum: de namespace voor de code, van toepassing op de dataset. Nadere invulling hiervan volgt nog. --> |
| 59 | <inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace>http://s01.geonovum.site4u.nl/download</inspire_dls:spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace> |
| 60 | <link href="http://nationaalgeoregister.nl/geonetwork/srv/nl/iso19139.xml?uuid=81ff84ec-42a4-4481-840b-12713bbb5d38" rel="describedby" type="application/xml"/> |
| 61 | <!-- Link naar Dataset feed --> |
| 62 | <link href="http://s01.geonovum.site4u.nl/download/downloadservice_atom_dataset1.xml" rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" |
| 63 | hreflang="nl" title="Geografische namen (DEMO) - Download Service voorgedefinieerde dataset"/> |
| 64 | <id>http://s01.geonovum.site4u.nl/download/downloadservice_atom_dataset1.xml</id> |
| 65 | <updated>2012-06-18T15:35:04Z</updated> |
| 66 | <!-- Optioneel: een samenvatting / omschrijving --> |
| 67 | <summary>Download de dataset Geografische namen (DEMO) NamedPlaces, via deze feed</summary> |
| 68 | <!-- The service feed contains the boundingbox, in polygon format --> |
| 69 | <georss:polygon>50.7539 3.37087 50.7539 7.21097 53.4658 7.21097 53.4658 3.37087 50.7539 3.37087</georss:polygon> |
| 70 | <!-- For each entry provide CRS information --> |
| 71 | <category term="http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG:4258" |
| 72 | label="ETRS89"/> |
| 73 | <category term="http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG:4326" |
| 74 | label="WGS84"/> |
| 75 | </entry> |