Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of proposals/HarvestingSchedule

Feb 10, 2012, 1:31:59 AM (12 years ago)



  • proposals/HarvestingSchedule

    v1 v1  
     1= Harvesting schedule =
     3|| '''Date''' || 2012/02/12 ||
     4|| '''Contact(s)''' || Jose García ||
     5|| '''Last edited''' || ||
     6|| '''Status''' || being discussed ||
     7|| '''Assigned to release''' || 2.7.0 ||
     8|| '''Resources''' ||  ||
     9|| '''Ticket #''' || ||
     11== Overview ==
     13Actual schedule for harvesters allow only to define an interval to run periodically the harvesters. The main disadvantage is that this interval is relative to the time the harvester is activated, being not possible to define specific hour to run it.
     15This proposal modifies the harvesters schedule to be similar as Lucene Index Optimizer schedule, allowing the user to define the initial hour to run them and an interval to reschedule (from 1 h to 1 week).
     18=== Proposal Type ===
     19 * '''Type''': GUI Change, Module Change
     20 * '''App''': !GeoNetwork
     21 * '''Module''': Harvester
     23=== Links ===
     24 * '''Documents''':
     25 * '''Email discussions''':
     26 * '''Other wiki discussions''':
     28=== Voting History ===
     29 * Vote proposed by X on Y, result was +/-n (m non-voting members).
     33== Motivations ==
     35The main motivation is to improve the schedule configuration for harvesters, so users can configure to run them at specific time.
     37== Proposal ==
     39This feature changes the configuration of harvesters to configure the initial time to run a harvester and the interval to re-run it:
     41 * The initial time can be configured in intervals of 15 minutes
     43 * The interval values available are from 1 h to 1 week
     45These values could be easily customized in the files {{{loc/XX/harvesting.xml}}}
     48=== Backwards Compatibility Issues ===
     50The sql migration scripts should contain some sql commands to update existing harvesters with a default schedule: for example, can setup harvesters to run at specific hour and for the interval tu run by default every day.
     52Users will need to update in Administration UI these values if want another configuration.
     54== Risks ==
     56== Participants ==
     57 * Jose García