Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of oaipmh_improvements

07/16/12 07:05:27 (13 years ago)



  • oaipmh_improvements

    v15 v16  
     68 * A record can have one parent identifier, A parent record can have more than one child.
     69 * A record can have more than one sibling.
     70 * A record can have more than one fragment.
     71 * A service record may operate on the datasets described by more than one record.
    6673OAIPMH and most other harvesters are record based. ie. it is expected or assumed that a harvest will retrieve one or more metadata records. !GeoNetwork's OAIPMH server returns records by '''resolving''' xlink references to metadata objects. The resolve process:
    7380One of the goals of this proposal is to provide an alternative OAIPMH harvester service that:
    75  * retrieves metadata records with '''unresolved''' references
     82 * retrieves metadata objects with '''unresolved''' references to other objects and places them in the OAIPMH harvest results
    7683 * retrieves and adds all referenced metadata objects to the OAIPMH harvest results
    7784 * extends the current OAIPMH implementation: the default behaviour will be to return resolved metadata records. Referencing the alternative OAIPMH service will deliver all metadata objects in unresolved form.
    79 The reason for implementing this extension is to enable conversions to formats that support metadata objects eg. ANDS RIF-CS.
     86The reason for implementing this extension is to enable conversions to formats that support metadata objects and relationships eg. ANDS RIF-CS.
    8188==== '''Deleted Records''' ====
    97104 * Implement two-stage Lucene search that retrieves metadata objects
    98105   * First stage returns metadata objects with unresolved references to other external metadata objects. This is not difficult as metadata objects are stored with unresolved references in the database. Note: links to internal relationships (eg. repeated metadata in the same record) will still need to be resolved.
    99    * Since !XLinks and parent-child + sibling relationships are or can be indexed in Lucene, a second query will be generated to collect all related metadata objects and add those to the search results. 
     106   * Since XLinks and parent-child + sibling relationships are or can be indexed in Lucene, a second query will be generated to collect all related metadata objects and add those to the search results. 
    100107 * As RIF-CS is a metadata object standard, we can test conversion of the ISO metadata objects returned by the two stage search to the RIF-CS schema. To implement this we will need to adapt the RIF-CS XSLTs for iso19139.mcp, eml-gbif and iso19139.anzlic to handle:
    101108   * metadata objects such as person and organisation contact information as parties