== Minicode-print 01/2012 (Netherlands) agenda == This page contains the list of topics to discuss and work on them during the mini-codesprint in january 2012 from 9 to 14 in the Netherlands. * New !GeoNetwork UI * INSPIRE search panel * New design based on 2011 Bolsena codespring prototype * Faceted search * Multilingual indexing * Maven build optimizations * Documentation - add sections: * Harvesting / GeoNetwork / XSL filter * Configuration / Overrides * Editing / Temporal extent * Documentation - website * publish French version on the web site ? * the widgets doc (#651) ? * trunk version on the web site ? See http://geonetwork-opensource.org/docs.html#trunk-under-development ? * Schema plugins * Improve sharing between profiles particularly as relates to XSDs * Add attribute detection as an autodetect mechanism * Revise documentation to add suggested changes * Integration tests for web-itest?