Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of i18n

02/25/08 18:53:09 (17 years ago)



  • i18n

    v5 v6  
    9494What in my view we ''don't'' need is a tool that allows putting style information, like <b>, in a translation system. But this is exactly what IBM presents as an advantage of XLIFF: ''Fortunately, the XLIFF standard includes attributes for specifying string position in a dialogue, font type and size used for the text, and many other details. A tool specifically designed for software localisation can be used to visually adjust the dialogue layout during translation.'' (from * [ XML in localisation: A practical analysis]).
    96 Even though this addresses a real concern I would still advocate an approach where the user-interface, as in HTML and CSS, is as decoupled as possible from anything else, in this case the translation system. To begin with I don't think the GeoNetwork practice of generating HTML from XSLT is a very good thing, and things will only become more pasta if we put style information in a translation system that your front-end developer shouldn't know.
     96Even though this addresses a real concern I would still advocate an approach where the user-interface (as in HTML and CSS) is as decoupled as possible from anything else, in this case the translation system. To begin with I don't think the GeoNetwork practice of generating HTML from XSLT is a very good thing, and things will only become more pasta if we put style information in a translation system that your front-end developer shouldn't know.
    9898In my experience the simple approach of Struts has always worked fine, even if it's lacking a synchronization check: all i18n strings are resolved through the default translation file, unless your Java Locale is set to something else, in which case the localized translation file (recognized by appending the ISO language code to the default file name) is used first to look up the translation. No <use> <of> <xml> <where> <this> <isn't> <necessary>, just plain old property file syntax.