= Open Issues = author: Heikki Doeleman This page lists the things still needed to be done in the ESA ebRIM project and estimates how many days of work they are. [[BR]] ---- === New issue list === (1) SOAP testing is done using FireFox Poster (Erik), Done (2) Jose ElementName (GetRecords) (3) Erik the save facade does not seem to update when the same ISO metadata is offered a second time. Instead, it creates new ebrim stuff in addition to the earlier * The save facade does not seem to update when the same ISO metadata is offered a * second time. Instead, it creates new ebrim stuff in addition to the earlier * * Status: The problem cannot be reproduced in a unit test (RegistryObjectListStoreFacadeTest). What is the problem? The problem was that when I inserted the same ISO more than once in the legacy, (with same UUID), the number of ebrim objects would increase after every insertion. It should remain the same if a real update was happening. (4) Heikki: ebrim data created form esa iso testdata must be validated (5) All test and validate everything like crazy === Old issue list === 2. Security 1: create web service in legacy : Erik, Jose, Heikki 3 days, status 0% 3. Security 2: use web service in ebRIM app : Erik, Jose, Heikki 2 days, status 0% Reference to User Management provided by Simone: [http://services.eoportal.org/portal/documents/07-118r1_User_Management_Interfaces_for_Earth_Observation_0.0.2.pdf User management] 4. Uploader web service: needs testing 10. CSW operations: logical services : Heikki, Erik 1.5 days -- still to do: finish getRecords & getCapabilities, impl DescribeRecord 11. CSW operations: JiBX mapping for domain objects : Jose 0.1 days, status 99% 15. Joins : Jose 2 days, status 40% 16. Stored queries : Jose 1 day, 0% 17. Documentation, testing and stuff : Erik 2 days, 0% 18. Fixing Hibernate : Erik 1 days, 50% ---- considered out of scope : 12. Unit tests for ISO transformation : Heikki 1 days, status 0% 13. Fix build script : Jeroen there should be a single build script that builds an installer for the integrated application (currently you need to build domain, persistence, services, client, and web separately, then copy the client jar into legacy, then build legacy) 1 days ---- TOTAL remaining days in this estimate: 16 PI factor: 20% TOTAL expected remaining days: 19.2 without security : 13.2 days ---- Availability (max) until Friday May 8th : Jose : 4.5 days Erik : 6 days Heikki : 4 days