44 | | In order to efficiently create an XML binding, that is to say the ability to marshal and unmarshal XML documents, the Java Beans implementation is decorated with a [http://jibx.sourceforge.net/ JiXB binding]. JiXB was chosen over other binding frameworks such as [http://xmlbeans.apache.org/ XMLBeans], [http://www.castor.org/ Castor] and [https://jaxb.dev.java.net/ JAXB] because of its [high performance high performance], ease of use, and non-intrusive programming model. |
| 44 | In order to efficiently create an XML binding, that is to say the ability to marshal and unmarshal XML documents, the Java Beans implementation is decorated with a [http://jibx.sourceforge.net/ JiXB binding]. JiXB was chosen over other binding frameworks such as [http://xmlbeans.apache.org/ XMLBeans], [http://www.castor.org/ Castor] and [https://jaxb.dev.java.net/ JAXB] because of its [https://bindmark.dev.java.net/old-index.html high performance], ease of use, and non-intrusive programming model. |