Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of crawler

05/29/07 02:46:59 (18 years ago)



  • crawler

    v1 v2  
    1313 - scanning one or more folders recursively
    14  - generate a metadata XML
     14 - generate a metadata XML in ISO19115-19139 compliant format
    1515        - extract spatial properties from datasets found using GDAL/OGR
    16         - add some minimal contact info etc... to the metadata that is found in a related text file (incl. default privileges)
     16        - add contact information etc... to the metadata that is found in a related text file (incl. default privileges)
    1717        - add information on data location
    1818        - add information on other services
    1919 - timestamp for synching
    20  - synch metadata with metadata catalog (!GeoNetwork opensource) in two directions depending on time stamps
    21  - have a default contact information document that is used when no text file is available in the data folder
     20 - The application will create MEF files that can be harvested by !GeoNetwork or imported into !gvSIG, !ArcMap (using a plug in) or any other tool able to read the MEF format.
     21 - synchronize with catalog (!GeoNetwork opensource) in two directions depending on time stamps
     22 - have a mechanism to define default metadata content that is used for properties that can not be extracted directly from the resources
    2223 - flag folders with spatial data that lack the minimum required metadata
    23  - platform independent
     24 - platform independent (preferably written in Python, using GDAL/OGR and/or other FOSS libraries)
    2425 - running as a deamon