Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of committer
- Timestamp:
- 04/07/08 23:49:41 (17 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v1 v2 19 19 * Existing copyright headers and license text should never be stripped from a file. If a copyright holder wishes to give up copyright they must do so in writing to the foundation before copyright messages are removed. If license terms are changed it has to be by agreement (written in email is ok) of the copyright holders. 20 20 * When substantial contributions are added to a file (such as substantial patches) the author/contributor should be added to the list of copyright holders for the file. 21 * If there is uncertainty about whether a change i t proper to contributeto the code base, please seek more information from the project steering committee, or the foundation legal counsel.21 * If there is uncertainty about whether a change is proper to be contributed to the code base, please seek more information from the project steering committee, or the foundation legal counsel.