Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of committer

Oct 8, 2007, 12:45:27 AM (17 years ago)



  • committer

    v1 v1  
     1= Committer Responsibility Guidelines =
     3''Adopted through consensus on 08-10-2007''
     5Committers are the front line gatekeepers to keep the code base clear of improperly contributed code. It is important to the !GeoNetwork opensource users, developers and the OSGeo foundation to avoid contributing any code to the project without it being clearly licensed under the project license.
     7Generally speaking the key issues are that those providing code to be included in the repository understand that the code will be released under the [ GNU-GPL v2 license], and that the person providing the code has the right to contribute the code. For the committer themselves understanding about the license is hopefully clear. For other contributors, the committer should verify the understanding unless the committer is very comfortable that the contributor understands the license (for instance frequent contributors).
     9If the contribution was developed on behalf of an employer (on work time, as part of a work project, etc) then it is important that an appropriate representative of the employer understand that the code will be contributed under the [ GNU-GPL v2 license]. The arrangement should be cleared with an authorized supervisor/manager, etc.
     11The code should be developed by the contributor, or the code should be from a source which can be rightfully contributed such as from the public domain, or from an open source project under a compatible license.
     13All unusual situations need to be discussed and/or documented.
     15Committers should adhere to the following guidelines, and may be personally legally liable for improperly contributing code to the source repository:
     17 * Make sure the contributor (and possibly employer) is aware of the contribution terms.
     18 * Code coming from a source other than the contributor (such as adapted from another project) should be clearly marked as to the original source, copyright holders, license terms and so forth. This information can be in the file headers, but should also be added to the project licensing file if not exactly matching normal project licensing (LICENSE.txt).
     19 * Existing copyright headers and license text should never be stripped from a file. If a copyright holder wishes to give up copyright they must do so in writing to the foundation before copyright messages are removed. If license terms are changed it has to be by agreement (written in email is ok) of the copyright holders.
     20 * When substantial contributions are added to a file (such as substantial patches) the author/contributor should be added to the list of copyright holders for the file.
     21 * If there is uncertainty about whether a change it proper to contribute to the code base, please seek more information from the project steering committee, or the foundation legal counsel.