Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of codesprint/201103

03/21/11 05:18:09 (14 years ago)



  • codesprint/201103

    v4 v5  
    11 * Architecture discussion
     3== XML binding ==
    24 * [heikki] XML binding:
    35  In the ebRIM branch, and in the Nordic Security code (not public yet), JiBX is used for Java <--> XML binding. It is highly useful to have such a binding, as it can be invoked automatically on Web Service communications and leads to a much cleaner dealing with objects in Java than when DOM/JDOM is used. One disadvantage of JiBX is that this binding needs to be written manually, which is a bit of a pain in the neck. Another disadvantage is that it is not a Java standard. JAXB on the other hand *is* the standard and comes with a binding-generator that takes a schema and produces the bound Java classes.
    2830Question remains: if we cannot use JAXB to generate a binding for ISO19139, is it still desired to use JAXB for situations where we *can* use it, instead of using JiBX ?
     32== DB ==
    3234 * DB / Mckoi to H2 or HSQL or derby ? See #475
     36== Search and Lucene index ==
    3338 * Lucene
    3439  * Merge LQB and lucene XSLTs
    3742  * Thread for indexing ?
    3843  * !IndexWriter alert !IndexReader about status
    39  * Simplify
    40   * !SettingManager (lock, default value),
    41   * !DataManager,
    42   * XMLSerializer
    4344 * Search
    4445  * Return JSON
    4950   * Comment:
    5051    * StandardAnalyzer keep accent, do not keep negative number, split dates after hour
    51  * Perfomance improvements
     52 * SOLR
     55== Code ==
     57 * Simplify
     58  * !SettingManager (lock, default value),
     59  * !DataManager,
     60  * XMLSerializer
     62== Perfomance improvements ==
    5263  * root/gui/localized - only current session language ? - faster XSL
    5364  * DB queries
     66== Misc. ==
    5468 * Maven : version settings
    5569 * Harvester
    56  * SOLR