Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of application-architecture

11/26/08 05:35:57 (16 years ago)



  • application-architecture

    v13 v14  
    88= Artifacts =
    9 In SVN I have now created artifacts for the ebxml function. The following naming convention is used:
     9In SVN I have now created artifacts for the ebrim function. The following naming convention is used:
    1010[software name] - [architecture level name] - [function name]
    2121    <tr>
    2222      <td style="height: 33px; width: 190px;">
    23 geonetwork-domain-ebxml
    2424      </td>
    2525      <td style="height: 33px; width: 777px;">Represents
    26 the domain model of the ebxml function.</td>
     26the domain model of the ebrim function.</td>
    2727    </tr>
    2828    <tr>
    29       <td style="height: 31px; width: 190px;">geonetwork-dao-ebxml</td>
     29      <td style="height: 31px; width: 190px;">geonetwork-dao-ebrim</td>
    3030      <td style="height: 31px; width: 777px;">Provides the
    3131dao layer for the function. A Dao can be used to do CRUD operations on
    3333    </tr>
    3434    <tr>
    35       <td style="width: 190px;">geonetwork-services-ebxml <span
     35      <td style="width: 190px;">geonetwork-services-ebrim <span
    3636 style="font-weight: bold;">*)</span><br>
    3737      <span style="font-weight: bold;"></span></td>
    4444    </tr>
    4545    <tr>
    46       <td style="height: 40px; width: 190px;">geonetwork-web-ebxml</td>
     46      <td style="height: 40px; width: 190px;">geonetwork-web-ebrim</td>
    4747      <td style="height: 40px; width: 777px;">Provides the
    4848application layer of the application. <br>
    61  *  We 'decided' not to tie the service and the dao layer. Are we going to make a geonetwork-services-ebxml as a seperate artifact (jar) or will it just a package within the geonetwork-web-ebxml artifact (war)?
     61 *  We 'decided' not to tie the service and the dao layer. Are we going to make a geonetwork-services-ebrim as a seperate artifact (jar) or will it just a package within the geonetwork-web-ebrim artifact (war)?
    6363 * We could call the dao artifact persistence.
    6969heikki: +1. For example our domain layer should be a library (JAR) that can be plugged in to any other application, with no dependencies in the code on our other layers. We may produce an application artifact in the form of a WAR or EAR as well though, for ease of installation and distribution. What are we going to do about the current way of creating an "installer" rather than a WAR or EAR ?
    70 erik: Question is this: will the ebxml application part of a default GN installation? I do not know much about the current installer. I suppose that a new installer can take the artifacts from the maven repo and then builds an installer which is capable of installing java, jetty with the application.
     70erik: Question is this: will the ebrim application part of a default GN installation? I do not know much about the current installer. I suppose that a new installer can take the artifacts from the maven repo and then builds an installer which is capable of installing java, jetty with the application.