Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of WikiMarkupInMetadata

11/26/12 06:35:24 (12 years ago)



  • WikiMarkupInMetadata

    v2 v3  
    3535== Proposal ==
    37 Add new setting for configuring which type of Markup to support for the installation.  By default it will be none (no wiki syntax supported) but the administrator can select one of the options enabling the feature. 
     37Add new setting for configuring which type of Markup to support for the installation.  '''By default it will be none (no wiki syntax supported)''' but the administrator can select one of the options enabling the feature. 
    3939Once a markup type is selected then certain elements in metadata will have the element parsed by the markup parser before display.  To assist the user, the editors (both old and new) will have a help tip explaining which markup is used and will provide a link to a webpage containing the syntax explanation.  In the old UI the element will have a new icon beside the other element buttons (up, down, delete, add) which will show a tool tip when clicked on.  The tip will contain the message and link.  This give a visual clue that the element can contain markup.  In the new edit UI, the tip will be in the Help panel below the other help tips for the element.
    4141To control the fields that can have markup, a new file has been added to each schema's present xsl files and has to be imported by both the profile's metadata.xsl and metadata-view.xsl files.  The new file:  metadata-markup.xsl contains a template of the "permitMarkup" mode which must return true() for each element that can have markup.  For iso19139 the default elements that support markup are: gmd:abstract, gmd:description, gmd:statement, gmd:purpose, gmd:supplementalInformation.  In addition to the permitMarkup templates, the dumpFields configuration also has a new attribute markup which (if true) indicate that the element may contain markedup text and there for should be processed before dumping the element.
    43 At the moment the markup languages that are supported are: Confluence, Mediawiki, Textile, Trac Wiki and TWiki.  The library used for parsing markup is the org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext library.  Each markup language is a single strategy object that implements the MarkupLanguage interface so if needed addition implementations can be added.  The settings simply contains the classname to be instantiated and the translations are as usual in config.xsl.  Although there are other strings in strings.xml that are used by the edit user interfaces.
     43The library used for parsing markup is the org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext library.  In this library each markup language is a single strategy object that implements the MarkupLanguage interface.  Several implementation are provided by the library: Confluence, Mediawiki, Textile, Trac Wiki and TWiki.  At the moment it is possible to choose one of these solutions through the administration configuration interface.
    45 The services that have been updated are:
     45Since support for a new Syntax only requires implementing a single class it is extremely easy to add a new syntax to Geonetwork.  The steps for adding a new Wiki syntax are:
     47 * implement a new MarkupLanguage implementation
     48 * Edit config.xsl (the xsl for displaying the configuration page) and add a option to the wiki syntax select html element.  As you will see all that is required is adding a label and the value is the package and class name of you class.
     49 * Edit the config.xml translation files to contain the label shown in the configuration page.
     52For this request several services have been updated to support wiki syntax.  The main change was in the text-utilities.xsl file so that it checks to see if wiki syntax is enabled.  If yes then the text will be parsed.  The updated services are:
    4754  - q