Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of StartupErrorsDatabaseConnections

02/15/11 00:41:53 (14 years ago)



  • StartupErrorsDatabaseConnections

    v1 v1  
     1= Handling Startup Errors and Showing Database Stats =
     3|| '''Date''' || 2011/02/15 ||
     4|| '''Contact(s)''' || Simon Pigot ||
     5|| '''Last edited''' || 2011/02/15 ||
     6|| '''Status''' || draft, being discussed - initial work complete ||
     7|| '''Assigned to release''' || 2.7.0 ||
     8|| '''Resources''' || Resources available ||
     10== Overview ==
     12Many users report problems because an exception has been raised in the servlet initialization. This is often due to database connection problems but can be due to other things such as port already in use. Asking users to look at the log files is not terribly satisfactory because:
     14 * although the problems often need changes to config files, the log files are not always accessible to the user
     15 * often the first exception will cause a shower of other exceptions and this is confusing
     17Jeeves is designed to display exceptions that occur after servlet initialization. So the changes in this proposal will:
     19 * detect and collect any exception information from the servlet initialization (as well as continuing to log it) in jeeves/server/
     20 * if an exception occurs then this info will be shown to any user that makes a request after the servlet has finished initialization by directing all requests to a GeoNetwork error service (main.error), configured in web/geonetwork/WEB-INF/config.xml
     24Finally, related to this problem is the need to display database status (at least: has the connection been successful, jdbc url, number of active connections in pool, number of available (idle) connections in pool, maximum number of active connections). This info can be obtained from the Apache Commons Database Connection Pool ResourceProvider that replaces the old Jeeves DbmsPool and can be displayed in Francois' new System Information screen in the Administration menu.
     26=== Proposal Type ===
     27 * '''Type''': Jeeves Change, !GeoNetwork config change
     28 * '''App''': !GeoNetwork
     29 * '''Module''': Jeeves (mainly)
     31=== Links ===
     32 * '''Developer list discussions''':
     34=== Voting History ===
     35 * Not proposed for voting as its probably only a minor change.
     39== Motivations ==
     41Make some of the behind the scenes info about exceptions during initialization available through the web interface.
     44=== Backwards Compatibility Issues ===
     48=== New libraries added ===
     52== Risks ==