Considering the webapps: * gn-legacy * gn-ebrim Gn-legacy will offer this webservice interface to gn-ebrim: * Set isoIds getIsoIds(userid, password); [[Image(EbrimSequenceDiagramSecurity.png)]] == lifeline: ebrim-client == This is any client who is using the CSW services from the ebrim application. == lifeline: geonetwork-web-ebrim == This is the ebrim application, which implements the CSW. == lifeline: geonetwork-legacy == This is the geonetwork application, which implements the iso CSW. == method: getEbrimDocument(s) == The method name getEbrimDocument(s) refers to a CSW operation which can be for instance GetRecordById. In the request header a userId and password be provided. Note: is the GetRecordById operation the only relevant one in this context? == method: calculateRelatedIsoDocuments == One ISO document refers to 1 or more EBRIM document. More Ebrim documents may therefore refer to more ISO documents. == method: getIsoIds(userid, password) == The Ebrim webapp asks via a webservice to geonetwork-legacy for a set of ISO ids which he is allowed to see. This set contains all public documents when no userid/password is provided. When a userid/password is provided, the returned set contains also the ISO ids for which that user has read permissions. == method: intersectAllowedWithRequested == The set of Ebrim documents requested can be related to a set of ISO documents. The set of Iso documents reqeusted should be filtered for those ISO ids for which the user does not have acces. == methodReturn: return ebrim document(s) == Relate the set of allowed Iso ids to a set of ebrim ids. Return this set of ebrim documents.