= Research and Development page = This page is a Developer scratch pad for new ideas that could evolve into functionality implemented in the !GeoNetwork software. ||Author||Idea||Comment|| ||Emanuele Tajariol|| [wiki:persistence Persistence] || Using a persistence framework (e.g. Hibernate, !TopLink, ...)|| ||Heikki Doeleman||[wiki:MVC_Framework] || Using an MVC framework (e.g. Struts2, Spring MVC, ...)|| ||Heikki Doeleman||[wiki:10000Apps 10,000 Apps]|| || ||ticheler||[wiki:GUI_2_2 GUI for version 2.2 with integrated Web Map Client]||Mock-ups of GN version 2.2|| ||ticheler||[wiki:i18n Possible localization / Translation approaches]||How to make localization easier|| ||ticheler||[wiki:crawler Metadata Crawler]||A tool to automatically generate metadata and prepare data for cataloging|| ||ticheler||[wiki:bluemarble Blue Marble]||Process to create the Blue marble backdrop layer|| ||fxprunayre||[wiki:thesaurus Thesaurus & Keywords]||How to improve thesaurus and keyword managment in GeoNetwork opensource|| ||ticheler||[wiki:atom_links W*S links in RSS]||Define a proper way to include links to OGC W*S services in Atom / RSS feeds|| ||ticheler||[wiki:115and139Confusion ISO19115-19139 standards confusion]||The ISO19115/ISO19139 metadata standards confusion|| ||tajariol||[wiki:Refactoring_Maven Refactoring !GeoNetwork into multiple projects for Maven build]||Improve the code structure to be more modular|| ||fxprunayre||[wiki:XLinkedFragments]||sub-template mechanism using XLinked fragments|| ||heikki||[wiki:MultipleInstancesOfGN Multiple instances of GeoNetwork]||why GeoNetwork cannot be scaled, and suggestions to improve that|| These are descriptions of some larger projects that helped !GeoNetwork develop further: * [wiki:ebxml ebXML] - Wiki for the !GeoNetwork ebXML interface project * [wiki:NGR] Changes for the Dutch Nationaal Georegister (NGR) * [wiki:geocat.ch] The Swiss Geographic Catalogue