Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of PerformanceEnhancements

03/05/10 07:27:47 (15 years ago)



  • PerformanceEnhancements

    v4 v5  
    3535== Proposal ==
    37 Addressing the search speed issue: Investigation found that the lucene component of searches in !GeoNetwork is in fact very fast. The delay in returning search results came from processing of all results to gather the most frequently used keywords for the search summary. Since all hits were processed no matter how large the result set, large result sets could cause a big delay in the first page of search results getting back to the user. A simple fix is to limit the number of hits that are processed to build the keyword frequency info for the search summary. This parameter is specified on search services as maxRecordsInKeywordSummary and has been set to 1000, the LuceneSearcher code then limits the number of hits it examines to build the keyword frequency info. 1000 is an arbitrary number that sites can change according to the number of keywords used in their metadata records and the time delay that is considered acceptable for search results to be returned to the user.
     37Addressing the search speed issue: Investigation found that the lucene component of searches in !GeoNetwork is in fact very fast. The delay in returning search results came from processing of all results to gather the most frequently used keywords for the search summary. Since all hits were processed no matter how large the result set, large result sets could cause a big delay in the first page of search results getting back to the user. A simple fix is to limit the number of hits that are processed to build the keyword frequency info for the search summary. This parameter is specified on search services as maxRecordsInKeywordSummary and has been set to 1000, the ! code then limits the number of hits it examines to build the keyword frequency info for the search summary. 1000 is an arbitrary number that sites can change according to the number of keywords used in their metadata records and the time delay that is considered acceptable for search results to be returned to the user.
    3939Addressing the indexing/loading issue: Investigation of this problem led to two issues and two solutions: