Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of NarrowYourSearchWidget

08/13/08 01:08:18 (17 years ago)



  • NarrowYourSearchWidget

    v1 v1  
     1= Proposal number : Proposal title =
     3|| '''Date''' || 2008/08/13 ||
     4|| '''Contact(s)''' || fxprunayre ||
     5|| '''Last edited''' || [[Timestamp]] ||
     6|| '''Status''' || draft ||
     7|| '''Assigned to release''' || to be determined ||
     8|| '''Resources''' || resource available ||
     10== Overview ==
     11« Narrow you search » module / improve the summary search code. It could allow output as list of keywords with frequency and optionnaly tagcloud view (
     13=== Proposal Type ===
     14 * '''Type''': GUI Change, LuceneSearcher
     15 * '''App''': !GeoNetwork
     16 * '''Module''': Search Interface
     18=== Links ===
     19 * '''Documents''':
     20  * example 
     21 * '''Email discussions''':
     22 * '''Other wiki discussions''':
     24=== Voting History ===
     25 * Vote proposed by X on Y, result was +/-n (m non-voting members).
     29== Motivations ==
     30Extends the summary section of a lucene search. This use only the index in order to compute statistics over a search. Statistics are produced over the full list of result (not only the one in the current page), it could be the entire metadata catalogue. There's no access to the database for this operation.
     32== Proposal ==
     34Current implementation produce (see service) :
     37−       <summary count="4797" type="local">
     38−       <keywords>
     39<keyword count="1280" name="soil types"/>
     40<keyword count="1003" name="geology"/>
     41<keyword count="958" name="soils"/>
     42<keyword count="894" name="soil classification"/>
     43<keyword count="695" name="land use"/>
     44<keyword count="609" name="topography"/>
     45<keyword count="595" name="land suitability"/>
     46<keyword count="550" name="land"/>
     47<keyword count="508" name="physiography"/>
     48<keyword count="507" name="crops"/>
     50−       <categories>
     51<category count="165" name="datasets"/>
     52<category count="2" name="interactiveresources"/>
     53<category count="150" name="maps"/>
     55−       <sources>
     56<source count="4350" name="d5a5b43b-6e52-4ec6-94af-f95c6e4dac24"/>
     57<source count="447" name="34475e9d-9b9e-48d1-b75c-08701c3a8f93"/>
     60−       <metadata>
     66Configuration : list of search criteria which could be agregate
     67Agregation type and criteria type:
     68 * text (e.g. keyword)
     69 * numérique (e.g scale)
     70 * date (niveau d'agrégation : semaine, mois, année) (e.g last update date)
     72Changes :
     73 * LuceneSearcher.makeSummary()
     74 * Add an option to search services to only produce the summary (like the fast option but really fast / only summary)
     75 * Add config file to define
     76  * criteria : MUST be in the index
     77  * criteria type : String|Number|Date
     78  * agregation type :
     79   * String : count
     80   * Number : count|equalInterval + classe ?| quantil + classe
     81   * Date : count|annualy|monthly|daily
     82   * sort option (count|name)
     85=== Backwards Compatibility Issues ===
     87== Risks ==
     89== Participants ==
     90 * List of participants and role (if necessary) in current GIP