= Multilingual editing = || '''Date''' || 2008/08/13 || || '''Contact(s)''' || fxprunayre || || '''Last edited''' || [[Timestamp]] || || '''Status''' || draft || || '''Assigned to release''' || to be determined || || '''Resources''' || Resource available || == Overview == Adding the support for multilingual metadatas. For ISO based standards, all the gco:CharacterString elements and their translation can be stored in !GeoNetwork. This also allows editing mulitilingual metadatas. Add multilingual metadata support in view mode and editing === Proposal Type === * '''Type''': GUI Change, Module Change * '''App''': !GeoNetwork * '''Module''': SchemaLoader, Data Manager, Metadata Import, Lucene Index, Search Interface === Links === * '''Documents''': * '''Email discussions''': * '''Other wiki discussions''': === Voting History === * Vote proposed by X on Y, result was +/-n (m non-voting members). == Motivations == == Proposal == Allow multilingual editing in GeoNetwork. One metadata record define : * one main language (using gmd:language element) * n other languages (using gmd:locale element) [[Image(editor-multilingual.png, 400px)]] In view mode, according to GUI language : * if GUI language is available in the metadata, the element is displayed in this language * else the elemenet is displayed in metadata default language. Then multilingual content need to be indexed in lucene. === Backwards Compatibility Issues === * Only ISO compliant === Implementation === Metadata is defined by one main language (gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:language:gco:CharacterString) and other locale (gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:locale/*). If user add new translation, a new local element has to be added: {{{ French UTF 8 }}} After editing, the new translated element is stored with: * an xsi:type= « gmd:PT_FreeText_PropertyType» * a first gco:CharacterString in the metadata language (in the example "en") * n gmd:PT_FreeText elements with each translation {{{ Codelists for description of metadata datasets compliant with ISO/TC 211 19115:2003 and 19139 Listes de codes pour la description de lots de métadonnées conforme ISO TC/211 19115:2003 et 19139 }}} In the editor any gco:CharacterString could be multilingual. The gco:CharacterString is in default language, the other PT_FreeText elements has to use a locale declared in the metadata document. === Index === One index by language is created and specific language analyzer could be define (eg. FrenchAnalyzer, GermanAnalyzer provided by Lucene). Lucene index is stored in WEB-INF/lucene directory : {{{ lucene +-- nonspatial_eng +-- nonspatial_fra +-- nonspatial_deu }}} Metadata indexing is done in default language using index-fields.xsl and multilingual content using language-index-fields.xsl which will extract all fragments to be stored in index. More details on indexing mechanism MultilingualIndexMechanism . === Search === Search is done using a MultiSearcher (ie. in all index) and the index corresponding to GUI language is "boost" to be on top. A duplicate filter filter search result in order to not to have duplicate in results as one record will appear in more than on index. === Modules: === * metadata-iso19139.xsl * DataManager * LuceneSearcher * SearchManager == Risks == == Participants == * List of participants and role (if necessary) in current GIP