= Proposal number : Proposal title = || '''Date''' || 2008/08/13 || || '''Contact(s)''' || fxprunayre || || '''Last edited''' || [[Timestamp]] || || '''Status''' || draft || || '''Assigned to release''' || to be determined || || '''Resources''' || Resource available || == Overview == All gco:CharacterString elements could be multilingual in ISO based standards. Allow multilingual editing. === Proposal Type === * '''Type''': GUI Change, Module Change * '''App''': !GeoNetwork * '''Module''': SchemaLoader, Data Manager, Metadata Import, Lucene Index, Search Interface === Links === * '''Documents''': * '''Email discussions''': * '''Other wiki discussions''': === Voting History === * Vote proposed by X on Y, result was +/-n (m non-voting members). == Motivations == == Proposal == Metadata is defined by one main language (gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:language:gco:CharacterString) and other locale (gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:locale/*). If user add new translation, a new local element has to be added: {{{ French UTF 8 }}} Configuration need to set the available languages the editor could use using a list of iso code. After editing, the new translated element is stored with: * an xsi:type= « gmd:PT_FreeText_PropertyType» * a first gco:CharacterString in the metadata language (in the example en) * n gmd:PT_FreeText elements with each translation {{{ Codelists for description of metadata datasets compliant with ISO/TC 211 19115:2003 and 19139 Listes de codes pour la description de lots de métadonnées conforme ISO TC/211 19115:2003 et 19139 }}} SchemaLoader should be able to register complexType which are extension based on a PropertyType (and not only a Type). For example : {{{ }}} Then the metadocument should add for all elements which are of type gco:CharacterString_PropertyType an xsi:type option with the list of type available. {{{ }}} For title which is a gco:CharacterString_PropertyType, xsi:type could be : * gco:CharacterString_PropertyType * gmd:PT_FreeText_PropertyType Then if an xsi:type="gmd:PT_FreeText_PropertyType" the element is edited in multilingual mode. Via schema_suggestion, the editor will define if one element should be « suggested » as multilingual or not and which languages to suggest. {{{ }}} Then the editor will suggest multilingual editing interface. ==== GUI ==== A list of all available languages is proposed to the user next to all gco:CharacterString elements. Label (?)* : _input_________________ [Language selection list] === Backwards Compatibility Issues === * Only ISO compliant == Risks == == Participants == * List of participants and role (if necessary) in current GIP