== Motions of the GeoNetwork PSC == === Motions for 2008 === '''[http://www.nabble.com/Motion-to-propose-GeoNetwork-for-OSGeo-graduation-tt16401528s18419.html#a16401528|OSGeo graduation]''' * Motion: Motion to propose GeoNetwork for OSGeo graduation * Motion passed on 4 April 2008 with 7 PSC members in favor '''[http://www.nabble.com/Motion-to-make-release-2.2.0-tt16401406s18419.html|GeoNetwork v2.2.0 release]''' * Motion: Motion to make release 2.2.0 * Motion passed on 4 April 2008 with 6 PSC members in favor, one 0+ '''[http://www.nabble.com/GIP-for-vote---Print-PDF-document-for-search-results-to15987628s18419.html|Add PDF support to Jeeves]''' * Motion: Add PDF print support to Jeeves to allow the use of FOP transformations * Motion passed on 26 March 2008 with all PSC members in favor '''[http://www.nabble.com/GIP-for-vote---OGC-GetCapabilities-harvesting-support-tt15987567s18419.html|Add OGC Capabilities harvesting support]''' * Motion: add OGC GetCapabilities harvesting support into GeoNetwork * Motion passed on 26 March 2008 with all PSC members in favor === Motions for 2007 === '''[http://www.nabble.com/Motion%3A-New-committer-on-SVN-tp13852703s18419p13852703.html|New committer on SVN]''' * Motion: Add Heikki Doeleman as committer to SVN * Motion passed on 23 Nov 2007: Ticheler (+1), Carboni (+1), Pigot (+1), Tajariol (+1), Prunayre (+1), Warnock (+1) '''[http://www.nabble.com/Motion%3A-Code-freeze-and-release-planning-GN-2.2.0-td14427548s18419.html|Code freeze and release planning GN 2.2.0]''' * Motion: Do a code freeze on 9 Januari 2008 with a final release planned for 20 Februari 2008 * Motion passed on 20 Dec 2007: Ticheler (+1), Carboni (+1), Pigot (+1), Prunayre (+1), Warnock (+1), Monteduro (+1), Tajariol (+1)